liking his possessiveness

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For the next week, rain made sure to always be about ruzie has she tried to get closer to payu, without knowing she was doing this has revenge for her spurned affections towards him and wanting to get him jealous.

By Saturday morning, rain slowly opened his eyes to place his hands to them to rub, has he was to his back coming out from conciseness.

"Mm..... Sleep..... More...."

Rain took his hands away to turn his head to look over payu who was to his side, laying naked right beside him with an arm over his body, rain darted his eyes over him to then turn his head to look to the ceiling that had the gems everywhere.

This was there new place where they spent every night together, rain wouldn't really take no for an answer, and payu didn't mind.

Rain signed to place his hands to his body to keep looking up.

Other then sex, the reason for the extra tiredness was because last night at the bon fire, ruzie sat in-between him and payu to have them stay up very late before they all went to sleep to where rain had to stay awake later just to get payu here.

Rain took in a deep breathe to then shuffle to his side to close his eyes to yawn.

"I'm sure..... Its late.... Need to..... Get going..."

Payu snuggled up closer.

"Why? Don't really need to be anywhere."

"Mm....ruzie will notice if both of us are gone so..... People will talk...."

Payu shrugged.

"Let them.... Been getting closer to ruzie just for people around to think I'm straight and it goes with our previous story so..... Just sleep...."

Rain furrowed his brow.

This past week payu had been getting closer to ruzie placing his hand to hers, laughing loudly at her jokes and other things rain didn't like.

"Mm..... Think your..... Starting to like her payu..... Believe you two almost....."

Payu signed tired to then slowly open his eyes to look over rains bare back.

"Almost what?"

Rain groaned has his jealousy and possessiveness started to go through him.

He turned to place his hands to payus body to then push him to his back to then get on to hunch over to place his hands to his face to caress to grip a bit to move it to his mouth for them to share in a deep kiss, to take a hand off to move it behind him to insert payu in, payu couldn't help but to melt to place his hands to rains arms to turn them, to thrust his full speed, has rain kept his legs apart, a hand to payus hair to grip, to have his free hand to his waist to grip to go up and down with the action to moan into there intertwined mouths for payu to leave those lips to go to his neck to consume for rain to open his eyes to moan has loud has he wanted, knowing they were very much under ground.

Payu then tensed to deliver his huge creamy load into rain for him to deliver his between them.

Payu shook for a moment has he twitched more of his cum into rain to place his hands to either side of him to breathe heavily to move up to eye over him.

"Damn.... Rain..... You know I'm.... Tired...."

Rain shrugged.

"Apparently not too tired."

Rain gripped his hair a bit, has his hand was still to it, to pull payu back to his mouth for him to move his ass up and down that length, he was wanting more.

Payu took in a deep breathe to give rain exactly what he wanted.

After, rain and payu were standing up to dress, for payu to yawn .

"So.... Tired..."

"Mm, when we go back up you can sleep."

Payu turned to eye over rain to then go to him to wrap his arms about to place his chin to his shoulder to look down to the ground..

"I want to sleep next to you."

Rain signed..

"Can't always...... Were eventually going to get caught payu."

Payu peered his eyes to rain.


Rain turned his head to look to payu..

"We're.... Not a couple.... Just..... Fucking right?"

Payu narrowed his eyes to have a hard face on to shake his head.

"You really think that after I gave you my virginity?"

Rain raised an eye brow to move in there embrace to then shove him back a bit to wrap his arms about.

"Never answered me that payu, why did you do that? Also I want to be in a relationship filled with..... You told me you never would.... Then you ran." He mumbled the rest.

Payu looked over rain to sign..

"I...... Know I did rain and I'm sorry for that. Also...... You know why..."

Rain rolled his eyes to turn to start to go up.

"I don't like your dodging the virginity question and this is just fucking payu..... No love in it."

Payu went after rain to keep his eyes to him.

"You.... Love me."

Rain stopped to hang his head to dart his eyes.

"I..... Told you....I think I hate you payu....."

Payu rolled his eyes slowly..

"You hate me yet we keep....."


Rain then started to go up faster, payu followed easily.

"I know your don't hate me rain. Maybe you hate loving me but I know you still do. Or you wouldn't be this possessive over me."

Rain stopped again to turn to eye over payu.

"What are you talking about?"

Payu couldn't help but to chuckle.

"Believe you and I both know rain."

Rain watched payu go about to head up to follow behind.

"I really don't."

"I'm sure you do. Same goes to the reason I gave you my......"

Payu took in a deep breathe to make a pained face.

Rain narrowed his eyes.

"Why do you always have to be so creptic all the time just...."

Rain turned to place his body to the wall to breathe heavily, payu went out first to see ruzie looking for him, she then spotted him to go to him.

"Where have you been?"

Payu shrugged, she then looked around for rain to then place her hand to payus wrist to then pull him along.

Rain turned to then eye this with a hard face to then follow them and quick.

Stay away from payu, ruzie!

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