giving back for a change

109 14 14

Being over come with embarrassment for placing his hand to payus member, rain had placed his hands to payus neck to move his mouth with his has they kept in there deep kiss.
Payu then slowly opened his eyes to look over rain, to then move his mouth off of him to see rain hang his head to dart his eyes to the ground. payu couldn't help but look over rain to smile a bit, payu couldn't get over how cute rain was being at that moment.
Payu then took in a deep breathe to remember everything they have been saying to the other and the promises to then hang his head also to make a face.
"Um...... You know what...... I'm sure you can clean that..... Area and....... Then can leave for me to clean myself."
Rain gulped to then look up.
"I shouldn't have said what I did."
"I shouldn't have done what I..... But.... happened and..... You have that.... Then um........ How about...... You help clean out my....... And I you..... Just this last time...."
Payu moved his hands to rains face to then move his head up for them to dart there eyes over the other.
"Rain.....I will clean you're...... But you don't need to do anything okay."
Rain clutched and un clutched his teeth to then place his hands over payus to then take them down to then turn to place himself to the wall to place his hands to it palm down to then move his lower up a bit to then place his forehead to the wall to feel ridiculous for what he was doing. However rain knew he owed payu for everything he had done for him.
Payu looked over rain to then gulp at what he was seeing.
He then took in a very deep breathe to then step forward a bit shakily to then peer his eyes down to eye over rains pink little hole.
Just clean his..... Then he will leave and you will finish your shower......
Payu flexed his jaw has his mind started to go a bit fuzzy.
Payu slowly moved his arm up to stop the action.
Rain had taken a huge inhale to then move his waist about a bit to feel very stupid.
Payu breathed in and out shakily to have his rationality start to go away.
He then moved his hand up to take a finger to probe about his hole to start to take away the cum from the night before to then step closer to curl his bottom lip inward to bite into it to then extend another finger to take it about his puckering hole to then move his fingers up and down.
Rain opened his eyes to look down to move his mouth open to moan a bit.
Payu stopped to then make a very hard face has his cock started to throb, he then signed.
Rain heard that to turn his head to look back at payu to see his face to then place his forehead to the wall.
"Payu.......we really can for the last time......I won't be an asshole after...."
Payu made a very hard face to then start to place his fingers inside to go has far has he could go then move them in and out to drag long moans from rain.
Payu then whimpered.
Damnit rain! Why do you have to start to be so...... Cute.... And considerate.....
Payu darted his eyes fast to then take his fingers out to then place his hands to either side of his waist to then move the side of his dick in-between his cheeks to moan a bit to keep his eyes to the action .
Rain couldn't help but to moan also, this did feel good.
Payu slowly looked up to then start to move rain closer to the wall .
"Hey.... What are you..... You...."
Pushed to his stomach, rain turned his head to peer his eyes down to the side.
Has he felt himself being moved up and down the wall, rain could understand why payu had him to the wall, his erection was being moved up and down upon it.
Payu placed his chin to rains shoulder to then peer his eyes to him has he continued to move his erection in-between his cheeks.
"You..... Really won't be an asshole to me.... After......I know I started this, but we really don't need to....."
Rain gulped and hard to move his hands down to then place them too either side of payus legs to grip a bit.
"Payu......I just want to...... You've helped me..... Let me help you.... Were even then this will not happen again...... Okay just...... it......"
Payu took in a very deep inhale to then squeeze his eyes tightly shut to then move his groin back to then slowly go in.
Rain then placed his hands to his mouth to moan has he was being pentrate and hard, even though this act once caused him pain, it now was feeling so very good.
Payu placed his forehead to his back to keep thrusting to moan.
"Aaah Rain.... You don't need to..... Cover your mouth..... Our sounds are.... Covered over the......"
Rain took his hands away to place them too the wall once more has he went up and down to the wall to then lift his head back to continue to moan.
"Aaah payu.... Um......mmm...... The wall isn't..... Isn't enough.... And.......uuum...."
Payu couldn't help but to smile and wide with rains shyness, to then move rain back while they were connected to go to the middle of the shower, to then raise rains leg to wrap his arm about it to continue to thrust and hard, to then move his other arm about to then take his hand to his cock to stroke and hard, rain lifted his head up to moan even harder to then move his arm behind payus head to breathe and hard to then move his body with payus.
"Aaah my......mmm..... Your going in so.... So....."
Payu went to rains ear.
"I can go deeper."
Rain lifted his head further back to get lost in this act of pleasure to then tense to cum everywhere has payu came into his hole.
After, the two breathed heavily, for rain to turn his head for the other to eye the other deeply, rain then gulped to move his arm away to then dis connect from payu to then clean himself very quickly to then leave in a rush, payu watched him go to then place his body to the wall to then hang his head to place his hands to his eyes to groan.
What is the matter with me! Why did I allow that to happen! We can't keep.......doing this......I also can't keep doing this to my.....
Payu then slide down the wall to then bend his legs to his body to start to cry.
He was thinking of his fiance and the fact he was feeling has if he was betraying his memory.

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