need to fight against this but.....

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Darting his eyes over the pan with food that was filled in it, rain tilted his head to the side to then move the spoon about it to then take in a deep breathe to let it out a bit hoarsely.
Coming out from the shower, payu had a towel through his long hair, to be drying it, to then step to rain from the side to then eye over him to then look to the food.
"Said I was going to that." Payu lightly laughed.
Rain shrugged to keep stirring to keep his eyes to the action.
Payu peered his eyes back to rain to look him over to then narrow his eyes a bit, payu took in a deep breathe to then place the towel to the counter to then step to go behind rain to then place his hands to his waist to then place his chin to his shoulder to look down.
"That looks really delicious. Mm... So does.... This...."
Payu laughed again to then place his hand over rains shorts to rub his crotch.
Rain made a face to then place his free hand to payus to take his off to then snap his head to the side to look over him.
"Payu!" Rain said in a tone.
Payu parted his lips to look sullenly at rain to sign to then take his hand back to then leave him to the kitchen to then go to the dining room table to sit down in a huff to place his elbows to the table to place his hands cupped to his mouth to dart his eyes before himself to shake his head a bit.
Whatever has been happening with rain needs to end! God! We've been having nothing really but sex for two weeks and then he acts like that with me, especially when a few days ago I talked to him about....
Payu closed his eyes to then take in deep breathes has he started to think about his fiance.
Rain had his head turned to look over payu to make a hard face to then turn his head back to look down to start to chew at his inner cheek has embarrassment and am assortment of other emotions were washing through him.
Rain signed has he moved the food about.
What is wrong with me? Why did I just....has to be because of all what we've been...... It's just sick and wrong..... I'm not even gay......I can't keep using payu like this just because sex feels better then.....
Rains ears then turned red.
Shaking his head rain then moved the pan away to then plate to take them both to then turn to go to the dining room table to set the first plate for payu to then place his under himself to then place the fork to move it about the food to eye the action to not really know what to say.
Payu moved his hands away to then do the same action has rain to move his food about to keep his eyes to it.
Rain then slowly peered his eyes up to look over payu who kept a fallen face to be eyeing his food.
Looking back down rain darted his eyes.
"Um...... Did I..... Not make the food good?"
Payu took in a deep breathe.
"It's...... Not that."
Rain started to click his teeth together.
"Payu.....I.... Um...."
Payu took in a deep breathe to then stab the food with his fork and hard.
"Rain...... For me..... Just don't...... Also..... Whatever has been happening....... Needs to stop."
Rain immediately looked up to watch payu place his food and quick to his mouth to chew and hard, rain started to take in deep breathes has his heart accelerated in his chest, he then looked back down.
"Am...... Um..... Am I..... Not good in the um....."
Ugh why am I even asking that!
Payu widened his eyes to then look up to rain to dart his eyes over him to watch has you could clearly see the embarrassment over him.
"Rain...... It's not that."
Rain moved his mouth about to then flip over a piece of food.
"Then...... Um....."
Payu couldn't help to smile has he looked to rains face and ears to then look down.
"That's cute."
Rain peered his eyes slowly up.
"What is?"
Payu placed his hand to his head to look down to his plate.
"You're..... Blush...."
Rain raised an eye brow.
"What are you talking about?"
Payu looked back to rain to eye about his face to keep a smirk on his face to then get up to go about the table to then go to rain to place his hand to his, to then pull him to the bathroom, payu pulled him about, to then stand to his side to turn his head to look over him to wrap his arms about himself.
"You're blushing."
Rain widened his eyes to the mirror to then step towards it to place a hand to the sink to then place a hand to his face to really eye about him, this never happened before.
Payu looked over rain to then step slowly to him to then place his body to his to then place his hands about his body to move them about, to then go to his ear to nibble his lobe. Rain was beyond cute at that moment, payu couldn't really resist.
Rain placed his other hand to the sinks edge to then lift his head back to coo to moan a bit, payu then placed his hands under rains shirt to go about his bare body to start to breathe a bit heavier, he then played with his nipples a bit to get them erect, rain then started to thrust his groin up has he was wanting more.
Payu then took his hands out from his shirt to then turn rain about quick to move him to the little table to the side to then place him upon it to dart his eyes over him.
"Do you...... Want...."
Payu curled his bottom lip inward to bite into it to continue to eye over rain to say instead of this, to say has he moved his head closer.
"Do you..... Want me?"
Rain parted his lips to then let his lids drop a bit to then wrap his arms about to then place his hands to payus hair to grip a bit to then move his head even closer.
"Don' Ask."
Rain then crushed his mouth to payus for him to then place a hand to the wall near rain to then place his other to rains huge erection in his pants to rub it up and down has they kissed fiercely.
Rain then took his tongue out to really eye over payu, he then moved a hand down to place over his erection to move his hand up and down.
"Believe...... This will..... Be delicious Breakfest in bed?"
Payu widened his eyes to then give rain a smile he never saw before to then laugh to pick up rain to then take him straight there, for rain to press his mouth back to payu to want him like he never has before, especially after that genuine smile he gave.

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