you have got to be kidding me

95 13 16

Has the day progressed the two boys stayed away from the other, rain was to his bedroom mostly and payu was either in the weapons room or the living room, to his side, rain peered his eyes down to then place a hand to his stomach, he was very hungry, after what happened with payu, rain decided not to eat a single thing.
Sighing, rain then slowly got up to then head to the kitchen, he stopped before it to then raise his head to look over payu who was before the stove to be making something to eat to then tense, he darted his eyes over the meal.
"I'm making dinner, should be done soon."
Rain nodded to then go to the table to sit to make a face, he's stomach was really starting to hurt him.
Payu then pushed the pan back to then plate, to go about to place one before rain to then go to the other side to then sit to keep his head hung, eyes to the food.
Rain took in a deep breathe to then grab the fork to then place it to it's end to eye over it, distraught.
Payu ate a bit to keep his head hung to dart his eyes to make a face.
"Why aren't you eating?"
Rain looked to payu.
"I saw your breakfest and lunch still to the fridge, why didn't you eat them?"
Rain signed to look down .
"Don't sleep to the couch tonight."
Payu started to chew slowly.
"I get the bed, you get the couch?"
Rain took in a very deep breathe.
"We can both take the bed."
Payu snapped his head up to look over rain to shake his head.
Rain signed once more.
"Uh huh..... Never ever suggest we sleep in the same bed ever again to me rain!"
Payu then moved back a bit to then stab his food.
Rain darted his eyes over his.
"Then.....I won't eat."
Payu lightly scoffed.
"Are you a child?"
"Payu.......I am sorry for last night what what I did this morning. I'm not like you. But at all used to any of this."
"Mm..... And yet I didn't start it last night. You jumped on me and wont even give me an answer has to why."
"Payu.......I really don't know how to... Answer it...."
Payu then slammed his fork to the side to then wrap his arms about himself to eye over rain with a bit of anger.
Rain took in a deep breathe to continue to eye his food, payu then peered his eyes down a bit.
"I heard your stomach rain. For me. Eat then try to explain this to me."
Rain then placed his fork to his food to gather a bit to then eat to then eat a whole lot more, he was really hungry.
Payu looked over rain to then grab his own plate to then get up to turn about to then place more food to his plate that was still to the pan to then turn to go back to the dining room table to place his food to his plate to place his empty plate next to him to then place his elbow to the table to have his hand to his head to look over rain has he continued to eat, he then started to slow down has he was becoming full.
"Mm... This is a reason."
Payu raised an eye brow.
Rain signed to keep his eyes down.
"You told me, when I had my nightmares.... You.....I don't why I did what I did but.....I was just trying to.... Help you like you.... Sometimes do to me..... Like now...."
Payu rolled his eyes to then move back .
"Didn't have to sleep together for you to help me."
Payu shuffled about his seat to then look up.
"Why are you laughing?"
"Mm....I actually thought the same."
Payu shrugged.
"Well..... To help me rain. You do not need to do that. Okay."
Rain nodded he then looked to payu.
"Can we...... Just chalk it has a mistake. Something we just never talk about."
Payu took in a deep breathe to wrap his arms about to eye the table.
"All I want you to remember about this is I didn't do anything. It was all you. So you can't use this against me later to try and kick me out."
"I won't."
"Mm.... Good... Then yes I can chalk this up to a mistake."
Rain smiled a bit to then eye his plate.
"I still want you to sleep in the same bed with me."
Payu laughed to shake his head.
"Payu...... You were really loud last night."
"I know.... I'll figure out a way to make my self quieter."
"Just sleep in the same bed."
"Rain....I said no "
"No buts rain. I am keeping my promise and I'm staying celibate for my fiance. The things that have happened...... I'm only human, but they have been nothing but mistakes and they will not happen again."
"You can't keep...."
"I've slept in that bed with you before rain, was still having them. Just have to figure out a way to get myself to stop. I'll figure it out, don't worry."
"Payu...... Just sleep in the same bed has me."
Payu rolled his eyes .
"Rain. No."
"Payu, at least with me, I can be close to you too get you to stop. So you need to sleep in the same bed has me."
Payu narrowed his eyes to then lightly smirk.
"You really want me to sleep in the same bed has you?"
Rain then looked to payu to narrow his eyes .
Payu couldn't help but to laugh a bit.
"Maybe....if you promise to keep your hands to yourself and stay to your side of the pillow wall "
Rain rolled his eyes to then start to eat his second helping to eye it.
"I promise. This is just because you keep having nightmares, nothing more."
Payu looked over rain to then get up with his plate to then go to the sink.
"Uh huh."
Rain then looked up at him to narrow his eyes.
"It's true payu!"
Rain darted his eyes to then look back down with a bit of anger.
I'm not gay! I will not touch you! I don't know why in that moment I did that but.... It's in the past now, it won't ever happen again.
Rain then started to stab his food in high frustration.

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