helping him, even though it hurt my heart

94 13 17

Laying with payu, rain had his boxers back up has did payu for them to be laying to there sides to be deep in sleep, gulping ruzie stood over them to shake her head. 

What the hell! 

Hearing a light noise, rain slowly opened his eyes to dart them to eye shoes to slowly look up to widen his eyes a bit. 

Rain then in the sleeping bag, probed payu with his elbow, waking with a face, payu eyed over rain to then look up to a fuming ruzie, rain turned his head to look with pleading eyes over payu. 

Payu looked to him to sign to then wrap his arms about rain to hold him closer to eye up to ruzie to shrug. 

"You two really shouldn't go out with the other. Rain...... Isn't good enough for you."

Rain started to breathe in and out rapidly. 

Ruzie parted her lips to then move down to gather rain to eye over payu. 

"So the rumors aren't true. Your not gay and you like me and being an asshole to rain here. Well.... Knock it off! I don't feel anything for you! Stop being like this."

Ruzie placed her hand to his wrist to then turn with rain for him to keep his head turned to watch payu sit up to eye over them leaving. 

I'm sorry.... Rain mouthed. Payu shrugged. 

He watched them go to then move about to get out of his bag to go and get dressed. 

After that morning, ruzie was stuck to rain like glue, he didn't really have any chance to go and talk to payu about anything. 

Has he was to the planting room, rain turned his head to see payu talking to a few girls to be laughing a bit, after this morning, ruzie had talked to a few people about what payu did to rain that morning to exclude the notion he was gay, ever since then girls had been flooding him. 

Rain saw this to sign to then turn his head back to plant. 

Well.... Least you are becoming popular. Now I think your going to leave me alone.....

Rains heart started to sink. 

Peering his eyes to the side, rain saw payu leave to start to head to the bathrooms, darting his eyes, rain looked to ruzie. 

"I have to use the bathroom. I'll come back."

Ruzie felt rains lips to her cheek to give him a bit of a kiss to then get up to follow. 

After relieving himself, payu was to the sink to be washing his hands. 

Hearing someone behind him, payu turned to eye over rain to then turn back to continue to wash his hands. 

Rain made a face has he felt ignored. 

"Mm.... Guess I'm right then."

Payu turned off the water to go about to a towel to dry his hands. 

"Right about what?"

"You get popular. Then I'm right out the door."

Payu rolled his eyes to then toss the towel to the side to turn to go to rain to stand right in front of him to dart his eyes about. 

"Or...... This morning really pissed me off and I don't have anything really to say."

Rains facial features twitched. 

"Well...... Looks like your going to make a lot of friends so...."

Payu rolled his eyes. 

"Every one thinks I'm straight. No one is going to know the real me. How is that making friends?"

Rain shrugged to step forward. 

Payu looked him over. 

"Don't.... Really know....."

Payu took a step forward for them to be very close to the other. 

"They don't mean anything to me rain. Your the only one here who knows who I truly am."

Rain took a little step further closer.

"Your the only one who..... Knows me..... Inside and out...." Rain said with a smile..

Payu couldn't help but to laugh to wrap his arms about rain to pull him every closer has they Darted there eyes over the other. 


Payu tilted his head to the side to then place his mouth to his for a very deep kiss. 

To the stall, rain was with his back to one side, to have his hands to payus pants to be ripping them open for payu to be standing in front of him to be doing the same. 

Freeing themselves from there bottom clothes, payu turned rain for him to turn back to place his hands to his chest to push payu to the other side to look him over to then go to his knees to eye up to place his engorged cock inside his mouth to suck and hard. 

Payu lifted his head back to place his hands to rains head to grip his hair..

"You've gotten so..... Good at this rain....aaah God....."

Rain kept his eyes up to have a hand to his cock to stroke has he watched how much payu was liking this. 

Payu then grabbed ahold of rain to then move him up for them to eye the other. 

"Why didn't you...."

Payu shoved rain to the other stall to place his hands to his legs to move him up to directly eye over him to then shove his cock in, rain lifted his head up to moan softly has he was pentrated hard and deep. 

Payu then moved to his ear .

"Rather cum in here, both ends are so very warm but here...... So good."

Payu moved his mouth to rains for them to twirl there tongues about the others in a very sensual manner to keep going up and down in the friction. 

After, the two fixed themselves for payu to turn to eye over rain. 

"So.... What now?"

"I really don't know."

Payu looked rain over up and down. 

"Don't.... Go to the leader to...."

Rain turned to eye over payu. 

"I..... Won't.... That's all I can give you right now payu."

Payu Darted his eyes over rain to smile to bring up a hand to caress his cheek. 

"Have to find another way to be together given ruzie and everyone else.'

Rain moved his hand up to place it over payus to dart his eyes over his. 

Can there be a way? 

ruined, but is it? Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat