to end in love

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Spending more time with ruzie and Samuel, rain needed to stay away from payu, what they had was not a healthy thing and rain needed to move on from him.
To the plant room, payu had his head turned to watch over rain who was actually smiling and laughing has he was between Samuel and ruzie.
Payu signed to then turn his head back to eye over what he was doing to then grab some things to then turn to leave, rains laugh continued to then turn his head to look over Samuels.
This is for the best rain, you need to move on so does payu. I know I can have someone who will actually love me and payu can just have someone to.....
Rain shook his head to then continue on with those two.
After, rain held a box to be stopped to have his head to the side to look over Samuel who was next to a boy to be taking to him very softly, for the boy to look at him to smile and wide to then bite his lip to motion with his head, rain raised an eye brow to watch has Samuel went after him.
Rain then turned his head the other way to eye over ruzie who was smiling and laughing has she went next to a tall man.
Rain signed to then turn his head forward to then leave to go to the kitchen area, happy everyone was finding someone.
To the kitchen, he placed the box down to then start to take the vegetables out to sign and hard. He was very much missing payu but rain knew they couldn't be together, rain knew payu wouldn't love anyone else.
To a secluded place, Samuel had his mouth to the boys, for them to have there arms wrapped about his neck to really be in this kiss, Samuel had his hands to his body to then take them down to get to his pants to then be taken away to widen his eyes has he looked over the second in command who had his hands to his shirt to grip and hard to look over him. The boy gulped to then place a hand to Samuels chest and the second in commands.
"Stop it!"
They looked to him.
"Frit! What the hell! We do not accept homosexuals here and you know it! What in the hell are you...."
"Oooh..... That's hypocritical! I know you and our leader are fucking! I really care for Samuel! Let him go!"
The second in command let him go to go to frit to push him back.
"You little spy! What is wrong with you! I've given you too much lay way just because your my little brother but I've had enough!"
Samuel turned to then hop up on the second in command for them to start to wrestle, hearing the noises the leader went about for everyone to then go to the action.
Rain turned his head to hear this to then leave the kitchen to go and find out what was going on, to the room rain looked to see this, to then see the leader pull apart Samuel off of him to then go to the second in command to eye over him for frit to go to Samuel, the leader heard from everyone who didn't keep anything back for him to roll his eyes to then look about everyone.
"This......has gone on long enough. When we first started this, homosexuality wouldn't help our species, however has the years have gone by, we have grown so much, there is no longer going to be a rule against homosexuality, I do believe there still needs to be a rule about breeding given a child in this world however that may change also, who is not okay with those types of changes?"
Everyone looked about, payu who was across from rain turned his head to look to him, rain eyed about to then turn his head to eye him.
"Well, seems everyone is...."
The second in command went to the leader for them to eye the other.
"No! We made rules and...."
The leader wrapped his arms about has he looked to him.
"Mm..... And you have been to my bed almost every single night."
The second in command widened his eyes to then look about has he heard some giggles, he then looked back to the leader.
"You..... asshole!"
The leader watched the second in command who walked away to then look to Samuel and frit.
"You two.... Be happy."
The crowd then started to go away, payu then went to rain.
Rain turned his head to look over him.
"That's not what this is about payu and you know it. I want...."
Payu then went to rain to wrap his arms about for everyone else to move down has things started to shake and bad. After a bit, everyone was about to get up to look about. Payu and rain looked over the other.
"What the...."
Everyone then looked to a few people who came in to then breathe and hard.
"You all.... Have to come and see this!"
Everyone then followed them to slowly go up to go eye about, rain Darted his eyes to see has something from the sky was falling, whatever it was, was killing all those things, rain gulped to hold payus hand harder, they never let the other go, payu Darted his eyes to then smile and wide. He was very happy to what he was seeing, he then took in a very deep breathe to let rains hand go to then step forward to move a hand up to then shakily start to put it out, rain looked to him to step towards him.
"What are you doing!?"
Everyone looked.
"I.... Need to know...."
"Know what!"
"If this...... Can hurt us."
Rain started to shake to then push payu back to then place himself into the water that looked like rain to squeeze his eyes tightly shut to then slowly open them to look about, the others saw this to then go into the rain to start to dance and sing.
Payu looked over rain to then go into the rain to eye over him.
"Why.... Did you do that?"
Rain turned his head to look over payu to shrug.
"Rather it be me then you...."
Payu breathed and hard to then go to rain to place his hands to his face to then place his mouth to his for a deep kiss, rain placed his hand to his chest to push him off.
Payu kept his hands to rains face..
"I.... Love you rain."
Rains chin started to quiver.
"You only do because..."
Payu shook his head.
"I have never just cared for you, just been so scared rain......I...... Had to kill my fiance because that is what he wanted, those things got him pregnant rain.....I...... Have been protecting myself.....I...... Just didn't want history to repeat itself..... Now that those things seem to be dying and..... There are others here rain..... We don't have to be together.... But.....I love you and I...."
Payus eyes widened to feel rain to his mouth, he had gone forth to wrap his arms about to give payu a very hard kiss, to then move back to eye over him.
"I don't care about anyone else then you, let's..... Go back to my place."
Payu smiled and wide for them to hold hands to go through the rain.
5 years later
To the kitchen, rain darted his eyes has he chopped the vegetables to then he moved back a bit, he then eyed down to smile and wide.
"Vicky.... What are you doing?"
"Safe me..... From daddy!"
Rain laughed to place the knife down to then go to the side to pick up his daughter to then look over payu who came about to breathe heavily.
"You are so quick Vicky!"
Vicky giggled to then reach her hands to payu for him to hold.
"You need to stop running so hard, your dad's can't always keep up with you."
Vicky made a face to then wrap her arms about payu.
"Can't help it....oooh when is my baby sibling due?"
Rain placed a hand to his stomach to caress.
"Maybe soon."
Payu looked over rain to then eye up to then bend down to place Vicky to the ground to then have her run off, payu then stepped to rain to place his hand to his stomach to caress.
"Still wish you would let me get pregnant rain."
Rain shrugged.
"I'm the wife payu, I'm fine with this, just happy a doctor was about to harness those stupid plants so men and women can get pregnant. Just happy to have a child of our own and making another. Ooh, have you've heard from Samuel and his husband? Or ruzie with her husband and son?"
Payu shook his head.
"Not yet. Probably still on those teams to get rid of all the other aliens and bugs with those plants for research."
"Mm.... True."
Rain then went closer to payu to wrap his arms about for them to dart there eyes about the other.
"Say it payu."
Payu rolled his eyes to laugh.
"I say it...."
"Don't care how much, say it."
"Mmm....I love you.... Love my husband."
Payu tilted his head for them to place there mouths to the other to kiss and deep.

The end

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