can't have one without the other

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Moving about with a box to his hands, rain kept his eyes forward to take in deep breathes has he moved closer to payu who was to the front, to go right next to him to place the box down to look him over..
"Um payu?"
Payu turned without looking to rain to then and quick, rain turned to watch that to sign and hard. He then turned about to look over his book to grit his teeth. They had been like that for two weeks, especially since rain told payu no to being his boyfriend.
Rain took in a very deep breathe to then turn about again to go and quick to payu, he was getting sick and tired of this.
"Payu..... You really can't keep acting like this, isn't fair "
Payu stopped to then snap his head to the side to look over rain.
Payu scoffed to then turn his head back to then go and quickly away from rain, rain looked over him to then go after again.
"Yes. This isn't fair. I want love payu, that is why...."
Payu turned to place his hand to rains chest to stop him to dart his eyes about.
"You need to stop following me around."
Rains lips parted to really eye over payu who then turned to leave.
This is just so un  fucking fair!
Rain then went back to following payu.
"You do not get to be like this! You don't even love me payu! Why should I be your boyfriend when you don't even...."
Payu they placed his hand to his wrist to pull rain about to take him somewhere secluded, to push him to the wall, to place his hands to his face to pull rain to his mouth for them to go into a very deep kiss.
Rain kept his eyes open to look over payu, to make a bit of a face to then close his eyes to place his hands to his shirt to grip to get into this kiss, been way too long for him.
The two swirled there tongues about, for payu to then slowly take his hands down to rains pants to start to undo, for rain to then do the same, with payu ignoring him, it made rain want payu even more.
Payu Took his tongue out to go to rains ear.
"Turn.... Turn around."
Rain lifted his head back a bit has payu went to his neck to kiss to then open his eyes slightly to look about.
"Want..... To do it, this way."
"Not.... This time, turn around."
Rain placed his hands to payus chest to push him away to really eye over him.
"Why can't we this way?"
Payu took in a deep breathe to then peer his eyes down.
"Just not this time."
"I want to know why."
"Don't..... Really want to.... Look at you right now so.... Turn around "
Rains lips parted to then scoff to really shove payu away.
"You are such an asshole."
Rain turned to then try to leave for payu to go to him to move him back to then place his to his stomach to go before his pants that he had his arms wrapped about to start to undo, rain hung his head to look down.
"No? Sure your hard rain."
"I don't care if I'm hard or not! I do not want this!"
Payu rolled his eyes to then start to take down his pants, rain then shoved himself away and hard with the walls help to move payu back to then turn to really eye over him to place his hands to his pants to bring them up.
"I am not your fucking toy, to do with whatever you want! You also can't act like this, I've been telling you I want more, I have every right to tell you no because of that! You are such an asshole!"
Rain turned to try and leave again for payu to move forward to place his hand to his wrist once more to look over him.
"You have your right to act the way you are, yet I don't? Now that's not fair."
Rain hung his head.
"You feel hurt payu, well.... So do I. You ignoring me, isn't at all okay."
"I need my time with things rain."
Rain took his wrist away to then wrap his arms about himself to keep his head hung.
"So..... Do I."
Payu gulped to watch rain leave to then shake his head.
Rain went about to take in very deep breathes.
How can payu not understand you can't have one thing without the other? I will not be his boyfriend without love. Why can't he understand that?
Rain gritted his teeth has he went about to then do whatever he could that day to keep busy and keep payu and the situation out of his mind.
Laying to his sleeping bag, rain had his hands under his head to be looking to the ceiling without a facial expression, he felt so very lost with everything that was happening to his life.
Rain took in a deep breathe to then close his eyes to Furrow his brow.
Rain then turned his head a bit has he heard a noise to look up. He raised an eye brow to look over payu who was eyeing down at him to then look about to turn his head to then go into the sleeping bag.
Rain started to breathe and hard has payu went over to hover to then grab at rains hands to place them to either side of his head to dart his eyes over him.
Rain gulped to continue to eye payu.
Payu moved his head down to place his mouth to rains to start to grind upon him. Rain looked over him confused to roll his eyes to close them to let this happen.
Rain turned to have his hand to his head to look up to see payu getting dressed to sign.
"See..... You got what you wanted."
"Sure we both got what we wanted."
"Why is more so difficult?"
Payu made a face to then turn to eye over rain.
"Sometimes.... It just is. Could be more.....if we were to the gem room."
Rain signed.
"That.... An option?"
Payus lips parted to then nod.
Rain fixed himself to then get up to really eye over payu to then turn.
"Come.... On then."
Payu smiled to do just that.

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