I've changed a bit

85 13 19

Moving his head up and down, rain continued to sleep, to have his mouth then open, to continue to breathe in and out. Payu made a slight noise to then snuggle closer.
Darting her eyes, ruzie raised an eye brow, to move her foot up to kick a bit to the bag.
Rain furrowed his brow, to slowly open his tired eyes to then peer them up to freeze, feeling rain stiffen, payu breathed in deep.
"Rain? What's....."
Payu then opened his eyes to look up to eye over ruzie.
"Mm.... Do you mind? We are sleeping."
Ruzie placed her hands to her hip.
"Rain.... Why are you in a sleeping bag with payu?"
Rain Darted his eyes, payu peered his eyes down to make a pained expression, rain elbowed payu to then pull his boxers up, to get out of the sleeping bag to look down at him with anger.
"You are a real jerk! Keeping me away from ruzie just because you like her..... This is a cruel prank!"
Ruzie widened her eyes to watch rain leave to then look over payu to shake her head.
"What is wrong with you! I've told you once, I'll tell you again, I don't like you!"
Ruzie turned to go to rain. Payu watched them go to place a hand to his stomach to rub it up and down to lay to his back to look up.
Really rain!
By mid day, rain was near a giant water hole, to be laying partly with his hands behind him to watch the ripples to sign here and there.
Turning his head, has he heard a noise, he looked up to see payu standing behind him, rain looked him over to turn his head to eye forward.
"Go away."
Payu looked rain up and down to then stare forward.
"We..... Need to discuss this morning rain."
"There is nothing to discuss. Just go away."
Payu then looked back to rain.
"We had sex, then you lied to ruzie. Why would you do that?"
Rain took in a deep breathe.
"It was a mistake for one, second I'm not gay! Third, I think I could have real chance with ruzie and I'm not going to let you take that away from me after all that you have done. So go the Fuck away!"
Payu raised an eye brow to then slowly crotch.
"You really think your still straight?"
Rain snapped his head to the side to look over payu in anger, he then got up to stand to push him down to really eye over him.
"Go to hell payu! Leave me alone from now on! I really do have a chance with ruzie and I am not going to let you Fuck this over for me! Don't even understand why you care anyway!"
Rain then started to go about, to then get pushed to the side of the entrance of the cave to wince a bit in pain.
"Payu! What the...."
"You are gay rain! You like it when I Fuck you! If you didn't would have screamed last night!"
Rain turned his head to look over payu in confusion.
"What the hell is wrong with you payu! This is not..... Like you."
Rain said struggling.
Payu narrowed his eyes.
"Being without you......has made me this way."
Rain parted his lips to look over payu.
"What are you talking about?"
"Unlike you, I didn't make one single friend here. They brought me down here, I can plant and help them harvest, but other then that, they all treat me...... Just because they know I'm gay."
Rain narrowed his eyes.
"How would they know that payu?"
Payu gulped.
Rain scoffed to thrash out of his grasp to turn to eye over him.
"Let me guess. You tried to Fuck another boy. They turned you down and told everyone about it. Your unbelievable."
Rain turned to try to leave again to then stop to hang his head..
"No. A girl tried to come on to me. I shot her down. I never said my sexual orientation but they all guessed it."
Rain turned his head to eye over payu.
"Then why.... Does ruzie think your straight and like her?"
Payu made a face.
"Some people here still don't believe it. She's one of them."
Rain then looked payu up and down has he started to go forward to him.
Payu stood right in front of him to dart his eyes about.
"It's.... Not going to work out. With you and ruzie."
Rain scoffed to roll his eyes to wrap his arms about himself.
"You can't know that payu."
"Mm, but I do. It's because I know you love me."
Rain made a hard face to take in a deep breathe.
"Thought I did. Told you I think. What you did after....... Just leave me alone payu. I'm going to make ruzie my girlfriend."
Payus eyes widened to then part his lips.
"You.... Can't mean that."
"Mm, watch me!"
Rain turned just to be stopped to be shoved back to the side of the entry way, to have his head pulled up a bit for him and payu to be sharing in a very deep kiss, rain placed his hands to payus chest to try to push him off to no avail, for payu to kiss at him harder.
Rain started to melt to then get into this kiss, to place his hands to payus shirt to grip to pull him closer.
The two intertwined there tongues about the other to play a very sensual dance, to both be breathing hard, the two then place there hands to the others shorts to start to pull the others down, for rain to then push payu off and away to turn to go about, payu placed his back to the wall to turn his head to see two people come in talking and giggling, to watch them go near the pool, to turn his head to look to the side to see rain was very much gone, to then hang his head to place his hand to his forehead to make a hard face.
Fucking shit!

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