Part 3

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A week passed rather quickly, completely uneventful and nobody attempted to interview me again.

In all honesty, it was peaceful. I actually enjoyed knowing what I was going to wake up to, knowing the routine, being in the same place every morning when I woke up and every day when I went to sleep. It was relaxing.

I had learned that, though I personally couldn't teleport out of my cell due to what I knew were heat trackers, I could send my shadows out into the rest of the room. This meant I could get nearly anything I wanted into my cell, though I hadn't yet stolen anything other than the occasional snack from one of the 3rd shift agents. I got a single meal a day, but they were disgusting and obviously not quite the diet I would've expected. Even Dahmer got 3 meals.

I was leaned against my cot when the lights came on nearly an hour earlier than usual and brighter than they had ever been, making me squint in frustration as they overwhelmed my senses. Fury came down immediately, and it was the first time I had seen him since his failed interrogation. He had Loki with him, as well as Stark, Rogers, and Thor.

I already knew what Fury was trying to do. At this point, he wasn't trying to make friends, he was trying to crack me. A single meal a day was enough to keep me alive and okay, but it also meant I was hungry. The silent treatment was to get me desperate, wondering when the next time they'd speak to me would be. The early morning wake up call was an ambush.

"Good morning." I said with a smile, immediately showing I wasn't yet broken from the treatment. After a lifetime of hydra, it was going to take far more than this to break me. "To what do I owe this absolute pleasure?"

"Aurora Doyle." Fury said pointedly, staring me down.

I kept my smile, though I felt myself grow a tad anxious as he said my last name. I hadn't expected him to come up with it given that Hydra had, from what I thought, wiped my existence entirely to the outside world.

"Reported missing at 5 years old along with her mother, Theia Doyle." He continued as he walked closer to the glass.

I watched the expressions amongst the rest of the men in the room, none of them had any idea what he knew. I could tell by the way their eyebrows furrowed, the way they looked at one another or stared directly at Fury.

"You're 19 years old. Now that we're both clear on who you are, I think it's time you start cooperating."

I felt my face falter for the first time since I got to this cell. I felt my smile drop from the moment he mentioned my mother, my jaw clenched as my teeth nearly broke at the pressure.

I cleared my throat, deciding quickly to give up some information. It was better than allowing them to dig further.

"Hydra tasked me with stealing the gauntlet. I took it back to my apartment to see what it was, as well as get the tracking device out of it." I glanced Fury up and down, before continuing. "When I realized the amount of power within it... I gave it to Fabio over there and tried to leave it at that."

"Oh, you're all of a sudden a genius, able to tell what the gauntlet was, and magically had the conscience to give it back?" Stark interrupted, taking a step closer to the cell.

I ignored him at first, looking back at Fury. "Can I at least have a cup of coffee before dealing with this self righteous asshole?"

Fury almost smirked, but kept his strong face monotone as he responded. "Answer our questions... And I'll see about getting you a cup of coffee."

I already knew the coffee machine was in the room beside me, and I looked back at Tony as I watched the shadow go towards it from the corner of my eye. The best way to avoid their interrogation would be to surprise them, I knew. Might as well have a little fun with it.

I tried to avoid smirking as the shadow went completely unnoticed, before turning my attention back to Fury.

"Do ask your questions then, matey." I said with a small smile.

"How long have you worked for Hydra?"

"Worked for." I said with a small laugh. "You're acting as if I got paid anything more than a pardon from execution."

"Your first mission. When was it?"

I bit my cheek, eying Fury as the mood in my cell shifted slightly from the light and joking to rather glum. I always hated those moods. They reminded me too much of Hydra.

"8 or 9 years ago." I said matter of factly, watching as all the men other than Fury had expressions of bewilderment.

"You're expecting me to believe Hydra was sending a 10 year old little girl out on missions? And you were just now caught over a simple theft?"

I scoffed out a laugh as I leaned forward in the bed. There was one thing in this entire world I hated more than Hydra, being underestimated.

"I got caught because I chose to give the electricity gauntlet back. I didn't want Hydra having that kind of power. Had they switched the shield activator for a propulsive unit, they would've been able to wipe small cities in minutes." This got Stark's attention, showing I knew the power the gauntlet had. "And the two gods over there had already walked right passed me when I decided to give it back. I would've walked away free with Stark's new toy had I wanted to." I smirked a bit as I leaned back, watching my shadow re-enter the room.. "Honestly, Fury, I'm deeply offended. You've underestimated my abilities."

And with a flick of the wrist, Fury's SHIELD coffee mug was in my grasp as I brought it to my lips.

I heard Stark's suit coming not a second later, making me roll my eyes as I took a drink of my coffee. It was enjoyable, watching the suit close around him. Watching as Iron Man and Captain America, Earth's 'mightiest heroes', scrambled at the sight of me still having my powers.

"Relax, tin man. No reason to get your iron panties in a twist." I said as I watched his suit finish. "Had I wanted to hurt someone, or destroy this nice, expensive helicarrier flying directly over New York City, I could've done it days ago."

"What's your angle here?" Fury now questioned as agents swarmed the room, one handing him what I already knew to be power restriction cuffs.

Teleporting myself a couple feet, I was standing directly in front of Fury, no barriers between us other than the air. I smiled a bit. "I haven't stayed in one place for longer than a couple days, for as long as I can remember. Forgive me if I'm enjoying some rest." With that, I held my wrists out to him. "I'm just living one day at a time, Director."

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