Part 16

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Loki spent the rest of that evening practically glued to my hip, all but following me around as badly as the puppy.

That was until he started to feel better and his mom insisted on being shown some odd book he had in his room.

"So, how'd you like caring for the crybaby?" Thor joked with a smirk after they had left the room.

"He acted better than I do, actually." I responded with a chuckle.

"He used to barricade himself in his chambers when that happened, during his learning. Mother and I used to be the only ones allowed around him in such situations; I wasn't entirely surprised he chose you, though."

"I forced it." I shrugged. "He was in that state because of me, after all."

"Yes, yes he was." Thor agreed. "But he wouldn't have done it if he didn't care for you. And he certainly wouldn't have allowed you to be his protector if he didn't trust you. Neither of which are easy for him to do at all, let alone so blatantly."

"Yes, well-"

"Mother called him a love sick puppy." Thor grinned as he added.

"Thor, stop it." I responded with a chuckle. "Why is your mother here, though? Does she visit often?"

Thor shook his head. "She doesn't normally come to Midgard, but she was worried about Loki."

"Whatever for?"

I furrowed my brows. I had been here for awhile, but hadn't seen anything worrisome about the youngest god. I suddenly felt the all-important book Frigga wanted to look at was just an excuse to get her son alone, though I couldn't blame her for such actions.

"She didn't exactly say, but mentioned that she hadn't spoken to him in a week or so."


"He's a mummy's boy." Thor rolled his eyes. "So, naturally, that is enough for her to grow concerned."

I giggled at the idea of Loki being a complete pushover for his mother, and Thor grinned widely.

"I'm not kidding! He's a total baby when it comes to mother."

I giggled again and shook my head as I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge.

"That's cute, though. The big bad mischief god, a mummy's boy." I scrunched my nose with a smile as I twisted the cap off.

The wolf pup nipped at my heel due to my lack of attention, making me sigh as I picked him up. "You're gonna be a mummy's boy too, aren't you?" I mumbled as I nuzzled his nose. It earned a yip in response and Thor chuckled.

"We should go to the markets and get him a proper necklace."

"A necklace?"

Thor shrugged. "The dogs on the streets have necklaces and chains for their master to guide them."

I chuckled again at his lack of understanding, sighing. "Collars, Thor. They have collars."

"Yes, those." He nodded.

"We don't have any money, thunder." I rolled my eyes. "And if I steal, Tony might kick my ass."

"Okay one, you always have money for essentials. You do more work around her than the rest of the lot and I'm offended you'd even mention not having money in my presence." Tony started, striding into the room.

"I wasn't in your presence when I said it." I grumbled.

"And second, you're right. I would kick your ass." Tony finished, ignoring my grumbles.

The Fates' Favorite (Loki Laufeyson)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora