Part 14

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I made a quick stride out of walking back into the tower, positively refusing to set the pup within my grasps down, even when the bifrost shot from the sky and landed on the roof.

I heard Thor's nervous, anxiety ridden 'Brother' as they rushed to the elevator, but I couldn't tear my thoughts away from the canine to even attempt to acknowledge it.

"The vet will be here in 5, kiddo." Tony said softly, staring at me with even more concern.

"Thank you." I hummed, rubbing its head as it continued to whimper in pain.

I could hear hushed voices speaking up until Friday announced the vet's arrival, and Tony had me take he and the pup to the usual med room within the tower.

I was unsure what kind of vet Stark would've called, but he came in with a large case, one far larger than most paramedics would use.

"I'm Dr.Colt." He said with a sweet smile. "Tony tells me you found an injured wolf dog?"

I nodded and he laid a paper-like sheet on the table, motioning for me to set the pup down.

I hesitated, but eventually relented and set the small dog down carefully.

"Friday can handle any x-ray work you need, and we have a lab for any tests you may need to run."

The vet nodded, "Considering your insistence that I come here rather than meet in my office, I'd truly hope so."

I sat there, analyzing the doctor's every movement as he looked over the pup for almost an hour, getting scans and other details. I could nearly feel my heart sink when he frowned deeply.

"I'm afraid there's severe damage to the nerve roots within the lower end of the spine, as well as complete paralysis of the front left paw, and I see small amounts of damage to the left brachial plexus."

"So.. He's paralyzed." Tony summarized. "Is it just the hind legs?"

"Unfortunately, no. With him having received this much damage, the likelihood of walking even with assistance is nearly zero. The damage to the spine would also cause further issues. He'd struggle to eat, breathe, or live any quality of life."

Tony bit his cheek as he glanced at me, his face falling further at the sight.

"It's my professional opinion that we humanely euthanize him." The doctor concluded. "I have him on a drip already, so he's not in pain."

Tony looked at me again and I opened my mouth, but nothing would come of it. I felt tears in my eyes, a single one rolling down my cheek.

"I need a minute." I mumbled as I walked away from the room before I lost my composure.

Why would the voices have told me to help him if I couldn't be of any help? How in the world would that make any sense? They'd never asked me to do something I couldn't before. I'd never failed them before.

And now I had the most peculiar obsession with the small furball, and I couldn't even help him.

I took a shaky breath as I slid to the ground outside the med room, trying to force myself to get back up and go inside for the pup. However, my feet refused to move and a few tears streamed freely down my cheeks, until I heard a voice.

"Lady Aurora?" Thor's voice was soft, calm, and I soon enough heard fast footsteps as I wiped my eyes.

"I'm o-"

"What's wrong?" Loki was knelt down beside me, concern filling his every feature as his hand rested on my cheek.

"I-... The dog." I mumbled, knowing they both likely thought I was ridiculous.

I knew immediately that Loki was searching my mind when he paused for a moment. He stared at me, his brow deeply furrowed to the point a crease lined itself on his forehead, a mixture of concern and sorrow filling his every feature.

Loki looked at the door, then back down the hallway as he waved his hand at Thor and a curly haired woman I didn't recognize, telling them to go on ahead.

"Go upstairs, darling." Loki whispered. "I'll go inside."

"But... I was suppo-"

"I know." He said now, his hand wiping a few stray tears away. "And you did. Now you go upstairs and I'll finish."

It was no point to argue, Loki's tone, though kind and soft, had already said that. Arguing with him would be futile.

So, I nodded a bit, and Loki gave me a soft smile. "Go on, love."

I walked passed Thor and the same woman sitting the commons to get to the staircase, as well as the rest of the team who seemed completely enthralled with the pair. They all took quick glances, but I kept my eyes on the staircase and my pace quick as I practically raced to my room.

"Poor girl." I heard Nat say as soon as I hit the stairway.

"I didn't think a dog would be what got Wednesday Adams to break." Clint meant it as a tease, but it sounded far more... upset? Concerned?

I didn't try to stick around to ease drop, though that would usually be my first thought. Instead, I went straight to my room and shut the door, pulling out my bear as I hugged it to me and almost sobbed.

It was about 15 minutes after I had calmed to a still sadness when a knock came at my door, and I slowly went to open it.

Loki looked... Sick. Exhausted. He looked the worst I had ever seen him as he stood on the other side of the door, nearly swaying on his feet.

He let out a sigh as he held out the small puppy, who wiggled excitedly in his grasp.

I didn't even know what to say as I took it from his hands, holding it contently to me.

"I-... You healed him." I murmured as I looked at the giddy puppy. I looked back at Loki. "You hurt yourself."

"It hurts more to see you in such a state." He whispered, trying to remain nonchalant as he grabbed my doorframe for balance.

"Come on." I quickly urged him, grabbing his arm.

Loki hesitated, planting his feet more as he looked at me.

"I know how it feels to use up your magic." I sighed. "You're exhausted and in pain; come lay down."

He still hesitated.

"Loki." I came closer, wrapping an arm around his torso carefully as I positioned the puppy under my opposite arm. "Let me take care of you, please."

That got his feet moving, his weight resting more on me than he likely would ever admit.

I heaved him over to the bed and laid him down, but his strong arm pulled me down with him.

Just in his luck, the puppy quickly took comfort in the blanket on my bed, curling up on the other side of me automatically, likely exhausted from the day's events. This allowed Loki to pull me closer, resting his head on my chest as he sighed contently.

He'd never been so touchy before, so ridiculously cuddly. It was most reminiscent of a cat, curling around me and nearly purring in content.

I almost made the decision to pull a book from my pocket, but between the furball contently cuddling onto my one side and the cuddly god who laid nearly on top of me, the lull of sleep didn't allow me to get that far.

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