Part 25

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The next morning I woke up in a different bed, not much remembering what had occurred the night before.

What the hell had Thor given me?

That's when I heard the snoring across the room, looking to see the same god from my thoughts sleeping soundly on a plush couch that most certainly wasn't occupying my room.

"Thor." I said aloud.

Not a muscle moved, other than his throat from the next earth shaking snore.

"Thor!" I nearly yelled.

"What?!" He shot up, instantly in a stand and maneuvering around my bed.

"Why am I in here?" I questioned with furrowed brows, before looking around. "And where is my dog?!" I tried to shoot up from the bed, but fell directly to the floor as pain engulfed my side entirely. I didn't remember it being that sore at all.

"Son of a bitch." Thor grumbled as he pulled me up. "We left the door open so Steve could take him for his run, remember?"


Thor smiled kindly as he sat me back down on the bed. "I suppose the midgardian medication worked better on you than I suspected it would."

"What the hell did you give me?" I grumped.

"It was a special concoction we made for Point Break." Tony butted in through the crack in his door. "Good to see you up and moving, kiddo. I knew you were likely to be knocked out for awhile when you agreed to let Bruce get some scans on you."

"I did what?"

"He played mother hen most of the night. Once the meds kicked in, you gave some questionable consent to check you out; he and Nat jumped at the chance to get you looked over."

"Why the hell does it hurt like this?!"

"Because you broke nearly half your ribs." Tony shrugged. "The fractures already looked like they were days old by the time we got a glance at them, and your vital organs looked safe, but you were only causing more damage by being up and moving around. So, we put you on bed rest for the week. You really don't remember anything?"

I rolled my eyes with a glare between the two men. "Obviously, no." I grumbled. "And I don't consent to bed re-"

"Too late, you already did." Tony quickly cut me off. "We had an agreement. I bought you stuff. It's all been ordered and half of it is already here."

"What... What is even happening right now?" I leaned back, I'm sure a bewildered look on my face.

"Fabio will take you to your room." Tony pointed to Thor. "Don't fall again. If you puncture a lung running around I will make Point Break call your terrorist home to handle your stubborn ass." He warned before walking away.

"In order for you to do bedrest, you decided you needed supplies." Thor chuckled as he knelt down to explain. "Stark feels bad he allowed you to get injured, so he... Went beyond what you requested to ensure your comfort."

"Jesus Christ." I grumbled, "I didn't want anything more fro-"

"Too late." Thor shrugged. "He won't accept 'no' for an answer."

"What the fuck." I murmured as Thor carried me into my room.

Was I fucking drunk?

No. It seemed worse than that.

A new television was already mounted on the wall across from my bed, a lap desk laid on the foot, a bag full of craft supplies alongside it even though I've never 'crafted' anything in my life, a mini fridge, and a couch were just a few of the additions to my room.

"Please tell me I didn't ask for all this." I nearly begged Thor. "I'm such an i-"

"You only requested the craft supplies and some Coca Cola, actually. You were watching odd Midgardian videos on your phone." Thor grinned. "The rest was Stark and Lady Natasha."

I sighed as he laid me on a seemingly plushier bed, "I didn't need any-"

"Stark feels bad." He assured. "I think this is the only way he knows to apologize."

"It was just a crappy mission. There was no way to know they'd have advanced."

Thor only booped my nose before shrugging his shoulders.

"What can I get you?"

"A void to scream into?"

"... Would a pillow suffice?"

I groaned as I leaned back into the pillows, "No, Thunder. I don't think they would."

I was looking through my watched history on my phone some time later, when Tony and Shadow came in.

"Go on down to dinner, Point Break. I've got her." Tony commanded, a plate balanced on each hand. When Thor stood, Tony sat one plate on my nightstand before sitting in the new couch addition to my room. "How you holding up, kiddo?"

"I'm fine, really. I mean, thank you for all of this."

"Don't thank me." He grumbled. "I should've had visual before we ever entered that warehouse. I don-"

"You didn't expect advanced. Neither of us did, and neither did SHIELD. You have nothing to feel bad for."

"Kid, you got hurt during a mission with me. I'm going to feel bad about that."

"It's my job, Tony. It's what I'm here for."

Tony paused at that, his brow furrowing as he set down his own plate and leaned back on the sofa. He chewed on his cheek for a long moment, before sighing, "You're not at all what I thought you'd be, Aurora." He stated softly. "I just want what is best for you."

"I know, Tin-man." I smiled. "For whatever it's worth, you're not at all what I thought you'd be, either."

That seemed to lighten Tony's mood, because he smiled as he glanced at the television.

"What're we watching?"

"The Office." I mused. "It thoroughly confuses Thor. I've convinced him it's a reality show."

Tony's chuckle at that made me grin even wider. "We could have fun with that."

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