Part 50

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Loki's POV

"Okay, but that makes no fucking sense." Loki immediately heard Stark's voice as he teleported to the kitchen the next morning, trying to get Aurora something to eat before she woke up from her deep, exhaustion-fueled rest.

She had slept through the evening mostly, but woke up in panic late that night, insisting he open the blinds enough for her to see the moon before she'd calm.

She spent hours looking at the moon, which was most definitely not in the correct place to look at from her window that night.

Loki's illusion seemed to slip passed her in her panicked, clouded mind, though. It was enough to ease her just enough to relax, though she hadn't fallen back asleep for hours more.

To say that Loki himself was exhausted after keeping a moon-sized illusion in the sky for most of the night would be an understatement.

"Well I didn't see that. Did you? Did anyone else? No. So, that makes me claim ghost." Falcon argued back.

"What in the realms are you even talking about?" Loki questioned far less gracefully or tactically than he liked to be around the Avengers. He even suppressed a yawn as he started pouring coffee into a large thermal tumbler for when his girl woke up.

"Sam and Tony are arguing about whether or not a ghost saved us yesterday." Nat rolled her eyes, but she did look uncomfortable with the entire discussion. Nat was one to always be no less than the most confident in arguments, but she seemed... unsettled, by whatever the Falcon had brought to them.

"I thought Aurora stopped it?" Loki questioned, looking around the gathered hero's in the commons. An immediate sense of anxiety filled Loki when he noticed Thor's pale expression as he stared at one of the Midgardian screens sitting on the island. "Right?"

"Redwing got footage of Aurora's outburst. Well, not really because there was a lot of bright flashes, but it caught a lady, too. A lady that most definitely was not there."

Thor's silence as the Falcon tried his best to explain the events only increased Loki's intrigue, but also the little pit of dread in his chest as well.

"A malfunction? Perhaps a glare from a mirror or window." Loki immediately went to shrug, though he admittedly walked around the island to watch the video. After all, he wanted to know what in Helheim the avengers had allowed to happen to his mate.

"That's no ghost." Thor murmured, still frozen in what could only be described as terror-stricken awe as his gaze stayed on the screen.

Loki raised his brows as he watched the events.

The avengers getting their asses handed to them, even his love, for a few moments, before something incredibly strange happened. One of the monstrous excitements had taken a swing for Aurora's head, but it was stopped abruptly by a nearly glowing silhouette, the eyes glowing a vibrant gold as the figure, in all its beauty, held it to a halt just long enough for Aurora to lose it, her flashes of magic engulfing the camera's view entirely.

Loki didn't miss it, but his mind took a moment to catch up to his sight.

And the video rewinded just enough to pause on the image; the beautiful girl, the glowing gold eyes, the strange mixture of the finest Asgardian silk and Olympian gold that clothed the silhouette.

Thor was completely right.

That was no ghost.

"That's a Norn."

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