Part 37

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Loki's POV (Third Person)

He was still reeling, still physically shaking from seeing his skin turning that light sapphire color.

It had stopped, thankfully, when he was out of Aurora's presence, but he was still pacing as he contemplated what the hell had happened.

That had never happened. Not in all his years.

He didn't even know it could happen, in all honesty. Though he'd admit he'd never tried to change to that form, but out of fear and disgust, he'd never accidentally done it. He'd absolutely never randomly done it while being intimate with someone.

It was only far later that Loki had realized how abruptly he ran from Aurora's bedroom, the impression that likely gave her.


She had already thought he was playing a joke on her, she had already convinced herself he was a cruel idiot, he was sure.

The norns are cruel.

He was debating whether he would ever leave his room again when he heard what sounded like the widow, ragefully screaming and slamming things around.

"What in the nines?" He grumbled as he tried to listen.

"WELL WHERE THE HELL WAS SHE GOING?!" She continued in a scorned voice.

Well that's certainly not good.

Walking down the steps, he was silently thanking the norns his mother had already gone to bed for the evening, as the avengers looked embarrassingly frantic.

"Brother, did Aurora tell you where she was going?" Thor sighed out quietly as he also watched the anxious avengers.

"She left? At this time of night?" Loki asked aloud before he could even think.

Of course she did. She was mad at him. She always took Shadow out for a walk when she was mad at him.

And this time, she was likely furious.

Thor nearly groaned.

"Stark caught her on the cameras leaving the tower."

"Why is that a problem?" Loki asked with a clenched jaw. Nobody ever had a problem with Aurora doing as she pleased before.

She was a sorceress, a strong one at that, as well as trained assassin with a rather protective wolf at her side at all times. An hour long walk would be perfectly acceptable, even at night.

"That isn't the problem." Nat nearly seethed.

"This is the kid leaving the tower." Tony mumbled as FRIDAY replayed her exit.

Just as always, she had Shadow on a lead as she walked, her hands in the pockets of Loki's sweatshirt.

"And this is a van following her. FRIDAY is set to alert me of any suspicious or foreign vehicles in the lot. No plates, FRI counted at least 8 bodies inside with the thermal camera." He continued.

He picked up his phone again, holding it up to his hand as his armor shot onto him.

"She's still not answering."

"Alright." Loki mumbled as his armor shined into place.


Loki had already teleported to the woods, Aurora's favorite hiking spot, and unknowingly did the same to Thor thanks to the hand that had grabbed his shoulder so abruptly.

"Well, this works too."

"I didn't tell you to join me." Loki grumbled, his hands balling and relaxing back and forth, stress beginning to overwhelm him as he didn't see the girl on the trail.

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