Part 44

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Christmas parties are garbage.

I've learned that, now, though I can't say I didn't somewhat enjoy the smiles on kids faces when iron man and Captain America were handing out presents. I didn't, however, like them any more than I liked any other party.

Actually, I think I liked the Halloween party more.

I was immediately cornered by kids, which was anxiety inducing in all honestly. I had to fake a smile and outgoing attitude as the kids, none of which could've been above 7 or so, told me random, irrelevant facts about the other Avengers.

Did I know Captain America was born on July 4th?

Did I know his favorite color was soft orange?

Did I know that Tony Stark had constructed over 50 Iron Man suits?

Well, I did now.

I feigned interest in all those random little tidbits for at least 30 minutes before Tony saved me, the event ending not long after.

"You did good, kid. The press is gonna love it."

I groaned at Tony, giving him my best look of disgust as he chuckled at me behind his mask.

"Alright, back home before sundown!" Cap called out as we all loaded back into different vehicles.

I wound up beside Thor, who I couldn't help but notice kept smirking at the golden necklace placed around my neck.

"Alright, Thunder, tell me what it means." I sighed, assuming he was done toying with me about it now.

"No." He stated bluntly in return, his smirk widening into a grin.


"I'm not the one who gave it to you."

"What? Wait, does it mean something horrible? Is he being a prick?"

That got a real, genuine giggle from the thunder god beside me, who shook his head. "Some might deem it horrible, but I don't think you would."

I felt my brows furrow, genuine confusion hitting me hard.

"You're genuinely the worst, you know that?"

"Loki tells me often." Thor smiled sweetly, making me roll my eyes.

Getting back to the tower, everyone said goodbye to Nat and Clint before Tony insisted I go get into some comfier clothes for snacks, dinner, and other 'holiday activities'.

"We're back." I called out as I opened my bedroom door.

Surprisingly, though, Loki, nor Shadow, were inside. At least, not at first. It wasn't until after I had changed into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt that they came back into my room, a leash still on Shadow as he pranced in.

"Hi, handsome boy." I smiled as I looked down at him, pulling my hair up into a pony tail.

"Well, hello to you as well, darling." Loki grinned cheekily.

I rolled my eyes, "Poor trickster, you're handsome too." I teased back.

It earned a chuckle from the god, who happily closed the distance between us with a few casual strides.

"Was it horrible?"

"Kids are cute, but yes. Quite awful." I giggled. "I learned far more than I ever cared to about Steve."

"How dare they torture you on a holiday!"

We both grinned at that, and I grabbed Loki's hand. "Come on, now. More festivities."

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