Part 21

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"Rory, you need to figure out what you're wearing to the Halloween party next week." Tony reminded me for the hundredth time a couple weeks later.

I rolled my eyes once again. Between caring for a quick growing pup and all the missions Fury was sending me on as bitch-work, I didn't have the energy to care about some stupid costume or any party.

"Who knows that I'll even go." I grumbled back as I poured a cup of coffee. "I've been working non-stop for the last 3 weeks, Tony. I don't see Fury letting up just because of some stupid holiday."

"Speaking of that, I already talked to Fury."

"Why would you do that?!" I questioned frustratedly, slamming the creamer down to turn to the man. "He's gonna think I'm whinin-"

"No, I'm whining. There's no reason for the disproportionate bullshit he's been pulling. I haven't had a single SHIELD job in nearly a month, Cap and Nat have only had two a piece, and Thor and Loki have only had a two between the pair of them. It's not okay, what he's doing."

I bit my cheek. In all honesty, I had noticed I was getting called out before anyone else. I assumed it was some form of long-last hazing.

"Now, figure out your costume. I'll be in the lab if you need help finding ideas."

"Okay." I mumbled as the pup came bolting around the commons, zooming across the rooms back and forth.

I groaned.

"I've got him, Darling." Loki hummed to me as he approached Shadow, simply touching a hand to his collar before teleporting away.

"So, Halloween ideas?" Thor smiled as he approached the kitchen island, where I had stationed myself with my mug.

"I hate Halloween." I grumbled.

"Why? It's a fun holiday! Drink, dress up, watch Midgardian entertainment! What's to hate?"

I rolled my eyes with a short laugh at the thunder god, always the optimist.

"Doesn't it seem dangerous to host a large party in the tower?"

"It's on the second floor, and no one other than us has clearance to go higher." Nat reasoned. "And we do act cautiously. Nobody leaves the party alone, we come back up here in pairs or groups."

"Still seems like a waste of time."

"You're young! You need to have fun a little!" Steve said as he came in from his morning run.

"Especially before Stark hits you with his newest plan." Nat added with a chuckle.

"What plan would that be?" I questioned now.

"Stark thinks you're a genius. He's... Planning on talking you into getting your GED, so you can go to college."

"Well, thanks for ruining the surprise Natalie." I heard Tony's voice over the intercom. "Bandit, come on down to the lab for me."

I groaned again now, pouring myself another cup of coffee before I followed his orders.

"Well, what do you think?" He asked as he took the pen from his lip.


"Getting your GED! College!"

"Tony, I don't see a point." I huffed.

"Look, you're brilliant in the lab. But the only way you'll ever get a job doing stuff like this, is if you go to college."

"Are you forgetting how I got this job? I'm working to keep myself out of a lifetime imprisonment, I don't think they're planning on letting me go."

"If Fury, or SHIELD, have any issues they can take it up with me. Someone with a gift like yours doesn't deserve to have it squandered away because they got the raw end of life."

"From my understanding, my paycheck isn't enough to cover college tuition." I tried to reason now.

"Your paycheck is plenty, considering your scholarship."

I furrowed my eyebrows and he grinned. "The Stark scholarship. Exclusive for interns. Congrats, kiddo."

"I'm not an intern."

"According to the company's database, you are."

"Tony, I'm not your charity case." I clarified further.

"Correct. You're my intern."

I frowned at Stark, who only chuckled as he walked closer to me.

"Come on, kid. It'll be elementary to someone like you."

"Why? Why are you doing all this?" I questioned, "What do you want from me?"

Tony seemed a bit taken aback by my question, then simply... Sad. I instantly regretted the way I phrased it.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to seem unappreciati-"

"You're the most appreciative person in my life, Bandit, don't worry about that." Tony sighed. "I just... I know you feel safer with independence. So, I'll draft up a contract. You work in the lab 3 days a month, you earn the scholarship."

I deadpanned him. "3 days a month?"

"I was hoping you wouldn't catch that one." He sighed. "5 days is the maximum I'm willing to give you. Lab work is expensive work."

"What college?"

"Trust me to handle that one, kiddo?"

I nodded and he grinned. "Good. Now, take your laptop. I emailed you the study guides for the GED in case you wanted to review it, and I scheduled your test for next month. You pass, we can get you enrolled on the off semester."

I smiled. In reality, college had always been something I thought about. College kids seemed like a different breed, an elite class of sorts. I didn't ever think I'd get to go myself, but the prospect was... Appealing.

"Thank you, Tony."

He shook his head. "Don't thank me; you're working for it."

"Not nearly as much as your other interns, I'm sure." I rolled my eyes. "They may begin to believe I'm your favorite."

Tony grinned even wider at that. "I don't have any other interns."

I sighed as I went back to my room and opened up the laptop Tony had given me previously. Looking through my email, I quickly found the study guide and resources for the GED test.

I was only looking for a few minutes before there was a knock on my door, followed by an abrupt opening as Loki and Shadow walked in.

"Are you busy?"

I smiled softly at him, shaking my head.

"Too busy for you two? Never."

He grinned as he tossed himself onto the bed, sitting up against my back to see what I was doing.

"What's that?"

"Practice questions for the GED test." I responded, scrolling a bit further. "Stark said if I took the test and worked in the lab a few days a month, he'd pay for my college."

"Is that... Something you want to do?"

I turned to look at him, trying to ignore how close our faces were in the moment as I nodded. "Yeah, I think I'd like it."

"Then that's great, darling."

I chuckled as I turned to the thud that happened the next second, seeing Shadow throwing himself around on the floor, a tough plush toy in his mouth.

"He did nothing but run laps around the tower." Loki sighed. "He has quite the energy."

"Perhaps I should start sending him with Cap for his morning runs." I smirked.

Loki's melodic chuckle was directly beside my ear, his chest pressing softly against my right shoulder as he leaned forward a bit more. "Good idea."

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