Part 28

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A couple more days passed, far quicker and less stressful than previously, now that Loki was back.

It's not that I didn't trust the rest of the team... Well, maybe it was. I was being forced to instill a bit of trust in them, with the exception of Tony, since they had to get my food for me, take Shadow out, etc., but I didn't ever feel fully confident in the situation.

Loki, however, made me feel simply calm with the situation. Shadow thoroughly trusted him, and looked to him anytime I was unavailable, anyway. I was far less annoyed by the constant companionship, and slept far better with in him comparison to his roaring brother.

"Princess, how are you feeling?" I woke up to that morning, Loki's frame sitting on the bed as Shadow went back to his spot at the foot.

"I feel okay. Why?"

"Stark and Banner requested I bring you down to the medic room, so they may evaluate whether or not you've rested long enough."

I groaned. "I have."

"I know that just as well as you do, so if you don't wish for me to take y-"

"It's fine, Lo. They'll just bother me until it's done."

"There's my favorite intern." Tony grinned as I stepped into the room. "Up and moving!"

"Yeah, yeah. Let's get this over with." I mumbled.

"Just lay right over here." Bruce motioned to the bed, extending his hand only to earn a stern glare from Loki before he practically lifted me onto the bed himself.

"Right, okay." Bruce cleared his throat. "I'll just get a quick scan, see if everything is healed up, and then we can all go on with our day."

"Are you going to notify Fury that I'm okay, or do I n-"

"Don't worry about it. I told him you were out for the month." Tony responded with a shrug. "You have your GED test tomorrow, and after that entry tests for the schools I have lined up. The last thing you need is SHIELD trying to distract you."


"You'll do great." Bruce tried to ease with a small smile as he held a tablet and pulled a small, rolling machine over my abdomen. "And you're healed up! That's quite fascinating."

"Do you know anything about your parents? Whether or not they held similar abilities?" Bruce questioned after I thanked him.

I furrowed my brows as I thought about it. "My dad could dissolve my shadows, and I do remember him being a bit... Stronger, than other people. But otherwise I have no idea."

Bruce nodded, seeming to be in heavy thought for a moment before he finally asked, "Would you- just let me know if I'm over stepping here... Would you be against giving me a blood sample? I'm curious to know if your abilities are due to any abnormalities in your DNA."

I shrugged then, before holding out my arm.

"You don't have to do that." Loki quietly said, seeming agitated at Bruce's suggestion.

"It's fine, Loki. The science nerds get a fun activity for today, which keeps them out of my hair, and only at the cost of a little blood. Seems fair to me."

Loki still looked as though he wanted to protest when Bruce stuck the needle into my arm, making quick work of taking a few vials for analysis.

"Thanks, Aurora."

"No problem, gentlemen. If you determine I'm some sort of deformed abomination to nature, let me know!" I laughed as I began walking out, genuinely just excited to be out of my room. "I'll be taking Shadow for a hike."

"Be home soon, we're ordering Shawarma!"

"Would you like me to accompany you, darling?" Loki seemed hesitant to ask. "Or would you prefer a bit of alone time for once this week?"

I smiled gratefully at his ability to understand immediately why I would decline his offer.

"I don't mind you coming, really. I jus-"

"Say no more." He said with a simple smile. "Have a good time."

"Thank you, Trickster."

The Fates' Favorite (Loki Laufeyson)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora