Part 39

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Loki's POV (Third Person)

Walking back towards the bifrost, Loki sighed as he stopped before the large guardian, a slight glare on his features.

He had already been on Asgard for a couple days, putting off this conversation as he worked his mother's meaningless tasks.

"My Prince, to what do I owe th-"

"You know why I'm here, Heimdall." He stated flatly, his left cheek feeling the indention of his teeth as he bit down.

"That, I do." The guardian grinned teasingly. "Aurora is well. She is, currently, finishing a sweater for her wolf." He nearly snorted at the prospect, genuinely amused by the tiny girl's activities. "She's an interesting one certainly, my prince."

Loki couldn't help the small smile that came to his face. 'Interesting' wasn't necessarily what he'd describe her as, but he couldn't say it was a false assumption.

"You didn't come to hear of her comical endeavors, though, did you?"

Loki growled softly, his eyes narrowing at the guardian.

He was gonna make him say it.

Of course he was, he was Heimdall.

A pure annoyance.

"What happened?" He asked flatly, his tone dripping with indignation and frustration.

Heimdall knew exactly what he wanted, but he smirked at the mischief god instead of answering.

In another growl of vexation, Loki's dagger was in his palm.

"So help me n-"

"She is yours." Heimdall's answer came, not even second glancing the dagger as a smile broke onto his face. To say he was enjoying this would be an understatement. "Each Jotunar has one. She is yours."

Loki's face fell, the dagger dissolving within his grasp.

"I need you to tell me how this plays out." He said after a long moment, his stern gaze never leaving Heimdall.

"I cannot do that, my Prince." Heimdall sighed softly. "We both know I can't."

Loki stood there for a second, his brow line furrowed as his weight shifted uneasily between his feet, so slightly it would be hard to notice.

He had already had the worst feeling in his gut that this could be the problem.

In the back of his mind, he was sure he already knew.

"Please?" He asked, a word that had never once graced his lips to the guardian of the bifrost. Never once had he ever seen Heimdall as anything more than a burden, a hinderance to his crafts.

After all, an all-seeing, all-knowing god is quite the hinderance for mischief.

Heimdall's smile faltered, almost as if he didn't expect that word to come from Loki's lips.

"I'm sorry, my Prince. I can't say... But perhaps you owe it to yourself to... Allow yourself this one uncertainty."

Loki's jaw tightened so harshly that the molars in the back of his mouth began to hurt, but he nodded.

"Perhaps." He mumbled, before teleporting himself away, back to the palace.

"Brother! You can't be so glum on the eve of your nameday." Thor pestered his brother once again that evening.

Volstagg was immediately shoving a large mug of mead in the younger god's hands.

Loki never really got along with Thor's friends, a mixture of his secluded nature and the inability to partake in their usual foolishness. As children, Thor and Loki were more often alone, and while Thor grew to have many friends and admirers, Loki always took more for teasing and playing jokes on the staff than he did entertaining the warriors or noblemen.

Though that never stopped the noblewomen from choosing him as a conquest. He always knew their true intentions were with his status, though he did indulge a time or two.

"I'm really not-"

"Drink!" Thor cheered, downing his own mug. "Don't pretend to have forgotten tradition!"

With that, and the rest of the warriors egging him on, Loki sighed.


"I'm going to bed." Loki mumbled after a bit, though he had to admit he thoroughly enjoyed himself.

The bitter mead was definitely excellent in taking his mind off his worries, off of Aurora's soft skin and the feeling of her embrace, the feeling of her plump lips against his.

The warriors had long became oblivious to anything about reality, their drunken stupor having them far beyond cognitive awareness as they tiredly spoke amongst themselves.

Loki sighed as he stepped down the long hall towards his chambers, genuinely wanting nothing more than to go to bed.

Not only was he thoroughly drunk, but the socialization with the warriors was exhausting.

When he opened his door, being greeted by the darkness, he let out a groan as he nearly had to grab the wall to refrain from stumbling.

Norns, he was thoroughly full.

He had almost made a quick stride to the bed when he heard the tussling of the blanket, making his brow furrow as he lifted his hand, the torches in the room immediately lighting at the swift magic.

Magic and alcohol rarely mixed well, but Loki was comfortable enough, and well-trained enough, to use small amounts even while inebriated.

He froze at the sight of the body in his bed, her familiar blonde hair and bare collarbones under his blanket.

"Get out." He stated through a breath, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Why in the norns would you thi-"

"It's your nameday. I thought I'd... give you a gift. You always seemed to appreciate it before."

Loki stopped, glancing one last time at lady Ingrid, one of the few noblewomen Loki had allowed himself to indulge in on occasion.

He could...

Gods he was drunk.

Normally, under other conditions, he likely would...

His brow furrowed even more deeply. He could indulge himself again.

Lady Ingrid wasn't who he wanted in his bed, though...

She really wasn't the woman he pictured in such endeavors.

Maybe he could pretend?


AN: To everyone following, I appreciate you and posts will be more frequent from now on. I've had a heck of a life lately (I had to replace my car's engine, had to move myself, little sister, etc. to a new place, switched to fully online college classes, and it's really just been a mess lmao).

But I thank y'all 1000% for being so patient with me, and can't wait to continue writing! For anyone here from 'His Dove', the sequel is coming VERY soon as well! I'll likely start posting it before this one is even finished and pull a double post 2-3x a week. Again, thank you all!

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