Part 12

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Warning: this part discusses eating/weight. Everything before the *** is safe, and I will post a quick summary of the rest in the comments!💚

"Bandit, perfect timing." Tony hummed out a couple weeks later.

"Perfect timing for what?"

"I need your help in the lab." He grinned.

I furrowed my eyes as I followed after Tony, immediately seeing the bright red suit at the center of the room.

"You need help with your suit?" I asked, genuinely surprised. What could Tony Stark possibly need help with when it came to an Iron Man suit?

"Well, I really just need you to help me install this built in heating unit." He shrugged. "Bruce is busy, and I don't trust anyone else to touch my stuff."

I felt my jaw literally drop at the words, making Tony stare at me as if I had grown a second head.

"I-um. Yeah, yeah I can help..." I said quietly.

"Hold on. What is it?"

"You just, um. You trust me." I struggled to get out, "I just, uh..."

"Kid, you've been in my tower for months. I would've got rid of you by now if I didn't trust you." He teased as he handed me a screwdriver.

"Then why is Green Day still here? I don't think you're as cut throat as you think." I teased back.

The cackle that left Tony's mouth was absurd, his grin at me as he shook his head contagious.

"This is why you're my favorite."

Pepper came into the lab sometime later, stopping dead in her tracks as she got a look at the two of us, covered in gunk and grime as we finished tightening the suit back into condition.

"Hey, beautiful." Tony sighed with a smile when he paused to look at her.

"Hi." She responded with a smirk, walking a bit closer. "Nat tells me you two have locked yourselves in here for the entirety of the day today."

"What?" I questioned, finishing up my side. "We just had to work on the suit." I pointed behind me with my thumb, before Tony handed me a microfiber rag from the table.

"It's 7:30, guys." Pepper sighed with a smile.

Tony and I looked at one another. "AM?"

"PM." She responded.

We both smiled and shrugged. "Then we finished with time to eat dinner and sleep." I commented with a laugh, following her out of the lab with Tony beside me.

"No wonder you get along so well with him." She huffed in exasperation. "The team ordered in."


"Finally, the two hermits leave their shells." Nat commented as we reached the commons.

"We were working, unlike you lot." I shot back.

"Yeah. We were working, Widow." Tony teased.

I smirked as I grabbed a large takeout container and a fork, sitting down in a chair as I quickly scarfed down the food.

"It should be illegal to be so tiny yet eat so much." Sam stated.

"Rude." I mumbled between bites, though a smile remained on my face.

"Yeah, rude." Nat added. "I have a gun you can borrow, Rory."

"He's just saying she eats a lot while maintaining a nice physique." Steve commented in defense of his friend. "Even though you shouldn't comment on people's eating habits."

"You two are just upset because you have old man metabolisms." I stated.

"I'm a super soldier. My metabolism is fine." Steve huffed back.

"I'm not old." Sam defended. "I just can't eat as much as Thor, unlike some people."

"What are we discussing?" Thor asked as he walked in, Loki silently striding beside him.

We hadn't spoken since that day in my room, though I no longer tried to avoid him. I'd refused to give him that much satisfaction, knowing he had affected me.

"My eating habits." I responded with an eye roll. "Sam and Steve think I eat too much."

"I didn't say that!" Sam started immediately, catching sight of Thor's facial expression. "All I said was that she eats quite a bit!"

"Neither did I!"

"What's wrong with eating?" Thor asked with furrowed eyebrows. "Is one to be ashamed of nourishment?"

Everyone looked confused as they attempted to think through a way to explain it to Thor.

"On Midgard, it's considered weird by bumbling idiots for women to eat as much as a men." I stated with a grin. "The bumbling idiots have seemed to out themselves."

"That's rude!" Steve sighed.

"So is commenting on my weight." I shrugged.

"We didn't!"

"You kind of did." Nat added.

Sam and Steve both rolled their eyes, and Thor shrugged, offering me a pat on the back before taking a seat at the island, where Loki had already sat.

It wasn't until a few minutes later, when Sam suddenly screeched and his food hit the floor, that anyone's attention drifted back onto the pair.

"Jesus, Sam. What the hell?" Tony questioned.

"There were just.... There were snakes!"

Loki's smirk was enough to tell me what exactly had just happened, making me giggle a bit.

"You know, Falcon... Hallucinations can be a sign of Alzheimer's." I commented nonchalantly.

Sam whined. "Rory!! My food!"

"I'm sure you'd eaten enough." Loki said as he took a bite of his own. "You'd eaten 'quite a bit', if you ask me."

Sam pointed at Loki. "You're an asshole."

He only chuckled back at the bird, dramatically taking another bite.

"I enjoyed that trick this time." Thor commented with a chuckle of his own, making Loki perk up that much more.

"I was just kidding!" Sam whined again. "I'm sorry!"

"We know, Falcon." I grinned before sliding over the rest of the family sized container from the center of the table. "Stop whining and make yourself another plate."

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