Part 13

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Another week, though this one was packed full of missions. It was the first truly exhausting week I had since I had joined the team, and in 7 days I went on 6 missions, one being an overnight.

I had literally only spent, combined throughout the week, a few hours within the tower.

By the time I did finally get to come back, I was practically dragging my feet as I tiredly went to the elevator.

"Hi guys." I hummed with a yawn when I walked out at the commons floor.

"There's my bandit." Tony grinned.

I hummed in response, a nearly strangled 'mhm' sounding around the room as I reached into the fridge for a water.

"Somebody is a little ball of sunshine today." Sam teased lightly, though his face held a sympathetic smile.

Tony stopped me when I went towards the staircase for my room, making me huff. "What?"

"Stay down here for dinner, kid. Then you can sleep all day tomorrow if you want."

I groaned, and Tony chuckled. "I already ordered. And we're watching 'Goodfellas'."


"He's making the Asgardians and Cap watch it." Sam giggled.

"Fine." I mumbled, rolling my eyes with a slight smile.

I grabbed a blanket and plopped onto the sofa, curling up with it as I yawned.

Without even thinking, I had conjured my bear into my grasp as I hugged it underneath the blanket and leaned against the arm of the sofa.

Most of the team crowded into the room not long after and Loki glanced at me twice as he stood on the other side of the couch.

I didn't even look at him, but nodded a bit to show I was okay with him sitting there.

I already knew he'd rather not sit next to any of the other team members, who had all squished together in various places. Loki valued his personal space, even more so around the team, so if Thor was unavailable, which given that he had Sam on one side of him and Nat tucked securely on the other, I was the best option for him.

The few inches between us made Loki sigh contently, glad to not have to be squished anywhere or sit on the floor.

Loki's glances didn't stop when the movie started, and after food arrived and I switched positions, placing my bear in my lap as I held the takeout container, he literally stared.

"Take a picture why don't you." I grumbled, glancing at him.

"I- uh... Sorry." He whispered back, looking down at his food.

"I was teasing." I said lightly, shooting him a soft smile.

An airy chuckle escaped his lips in response as he shook his head.

It was only a couple minutes later when everyone's phones buzzed, making me groan.

"You can stay behind, kid."

"No. If they called us all it's likely for a good reason." I mumbled, grabbing my gear. "What's one more mission, huh?"

"Sounds like mutants." Steve sighed as he walked passed, shield in hand.

"Fucking great."

"Flame boy on the left."

"I thought it was smoke."

"Who cares? Just get him trapped."

"Well how am I supposed to do that if I can't see through the smoke!"

"Figure it ou-"

"I've already got him." Loki's voice interrupted the argument currently being held between Tony and Nat, his tone utterly bored.

"I have the stone guy." Thor state boastfully onto the coms. "Why is the ground still shaking?"

I growled from my position on the concrete, a costumed man standing ahead of me, stalking me.

"Who the fuck even are you?" I grumbled as I lifted myself up.

"I am Quake, and you are the Dark Assassin."

I wasn't actually expecting a response. Who stops mid-fight to respond? I rolled away from the small sinkhole he created in the street before shooting a ball of black magic his way, sending him flying back.

"No sights on Aurora."

"Little Marauder, come in."

"Rory, where are you?"

I heard it all on the coms, but I didn't have a chance to respond before I was getting hit with what felt like a brick.

Considering the asphalt chunk that landed beside me as I grabbed my head, I'd guess I wasn't too far off.

"Bastard." I grumbled, using my shadows to take ahold of him while I ran up to him, kicking his jaw as the shadows brought him to his knees.

He fell backwards with a groan and I kicked again, watching as his eyes rolled back into his head.

Shield agents arrived first, handcuffing the man.

"Use the magic cuffs, that one is a real asshole." I mumbled to one of them, wiping the small amount of blood from the gash on my forehead.

I was about to begin walking back to the team when a small whimpering from the woodsy lot beside the asphalt road seemed to echo into my mind.

My tongue rested against the roof of my mouth as I glanced around, not hearing it again. Right when I went to turn back towards the direction of the team, the same chanting voices spoke into my head.

It's hurt. Help. It's hurt. Help.

I nearly groaned as I turned back to the direction of the sound, searching around closer to the woods.

The animal was small, covered in dust and rock as it cowered at the bottom of a sinkhole. A rock was rested on it's rear legs, and I knelt down to the ground before scooping it into my hands.

I had no idea how old the pup must've been, but when it whimpered at my mere touch my heart sank a bit. I cradled it to my chest and tried to support it against the pain.

"Aurora." I heard as someone instantly grabbed my waist.

I flipped around quickly, Loki's furrowed brow and narrow eyes looking at me.

"It's hurt."

"We've been calling for you for 10 minutes." He nearly growled at me.

I felt for my earpiece, but it was no longer in my ear.

"That jerk got a headshot on me; must've knocked out my earpiece." I mumbled.

Loki's face softened a bit and he nodded. "You should... Put that thing back."

"No, it's hurt. I need to help it." I responded with a strong tone, making Loki's eyebrows raise. "I need to help it." I repeated when I could see he was still contemplating.

Before he could even attempt to speak, I started walking towards the group.

"Aurora, where were you?"

"Your head is blee-"

"He's hurt. He needs help." I said to Tony immediately, ignoring the rest of the group. "How do I help it? Where's a vet?"

Tony stared at me blankly for a moment, "I, uh. I'll call one. Let's get you and it back to the tower."

I ignored the shared look between Tony and Loki as I nodded, walking towards the helicarrier with the dog still tightly in my arms, cooing him into relaxing against my chest.

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