Part 22

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"Oh I love it!" Nat commented quickly as she walked passed me at the bar.

Tony had dragged me down alongside him to the party, a bit earlier than the other Avengers, so he could introduce me to some Stark associates as his personal intern.

"I was gonna do Wednesday, but they were all out." I sighed, taking a drink from the tender with a quick thanks. "Morticia is iconic in her own right, though."

Nat looked adorable in an all white ensemble, an angel halo on her head like a tiara.

"You look cute." I chuckled. "What's everyone else doing?"

"Well, Thor wanted to be a Viking, typical. Clint is a demon, Sam and Steve decided to go as each other, Wanda is a 1950's housewife, I think, Vision is a human, and Loki refuses to dress up."

I rolled my eyes. "I had to dress up, but he didn't?"

"At least you look hot." Nat shrugged, grabbing her own drink before walking with me towards a small table at the corner of the room. "Loki only comes to these because Thor is persistent. He'll stay for 10 minutes, brooding in the corner, then leave."

I smirked at that thought. A grumpy Loki, having a silent temper tantrum in the corner and terrifying the guests. I couldn't wait to see it.

"You brought him?!" Nat gasped as Shadow crept around me.

"He's gonna be my excuse to leave early." I giggled as I looked down at the pup. He had grown exceptionally since I had gotten him, only now reaching around my knee in height as a cute hat and sunglasses sat attached to him. "Plus, he makes a wonderful Cousin Itt."

"Oh this is perfect." Nat hummed as she scratched his head. "You look so good!"

"You do look exceptionally handsome." I agreed to the pup.

"Well thank you, darling." I heard the familiar deep voice from behind me.

I sighed as I turned to the onyx-haired god who smirked down at me. He wore an all black suit that fit him nicely and matched his curls, making his emerald eyes seem that much brighter.

"You look quite ravishing yourself." He said quietly enough I almost hadn't heard him over the music playing and guests talking.

"You woo me, oh wondrous prince." I feigned with a hand thrown dramatically to my chest. "Oh, how I swoon."

That earned a real grin from Loki, who shook his head. "Must you tease me?"

"Absolutely." I affirmed. "You love my teasing."

He rolled his eyes, before eying the glass in my hands.

"You're drinking?"

I shushed him with a finger to my lips, earning a surprised eyebrow raise from the god before I giggled.

"It's Coke, genius. A soda." I rolled my eyes. "I don't drink around strangers."

"Good girl." He mumbled as he took a drink of his own cup.

I almost commented on the praise that sent a weird feeling to my chest, but Thor's boisterous arrival pulled my attention as he showed a group of awe-struck women all the Norse ruins drawn onto his skin.

The rest of the avengers came in abruptly after him, instantly stealing the show completely as everyone desired their attention.

"Do we get to brood in the corner now?" I asked Loki with a grin. "Scare the peasants away, then make our abrupt departure?"

"Is that what you believe I do?"

"Scare peasants? Very likely." I chuckled.

"Oh my gosh a couples costume!" A girl slurred pointing at Loki and I.

The Fates' Favorite (Loki Laufeyson)Where stories live. Discover now