Part 29

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I had gotten a call a couple hours later from Tony, asking for my food order. That wasn't the notable part of the conversation, though, but rather his attitude.

He was frustrated, I could tell, if not downright angry. It was at the same time that thunderous storm clouds began to peak over the sun, dark grey and menacingly large. I took that as reason enough to return home immediately, and made quick work of recalling Shadow and teleporting us back to the tower.

Nat and Steve were in the commons, while I could hear voices from another room.

"What's going on?" I asked quietly, catching bits and pieces of the shouts.

"Thor and Loki have been going at it for over an hour now." The widow sighed. "Tony tried to intervene, but got an earful from both of them."

"Well that can't be good." I mumbled, immediately following the shouting down the hall. Loki could snark off to anyone at any time, so that wasn't concerning. But Thor? The giant, teddy bear of a thunder god?Nope, not good at all.

"You are going to dig your own grave, brother! Heed the people around you's warnings; this will not go well if you d-" Thor's voice stopped immediately as I rounded the corner, though he couldn't force his glare off of Loki.

"Um... We okay here?"

"Fine." Loki growled.

I waited a moment in the painful silence as Thor refused to acknowledge my question, unwilling to lie.

"Thunder?" I asked softly. "There's... Um... Quite a storm brewing outside."

Thor sighed, seeming to deflate at the knowledge he was losing control.

"I'm deeply sorry for ruining your hike, Aurora. I'm going to... Go relax, for a moment."

I nodded and gave him a smile as he passed me, before turning my attention back to Loki. He was fuming still, I could tell, but his eyes had moved to me now.

"Maybe I shouldn't have interrupted, I ju-"

"It's fine." Loki grumbled, dropping his eyes and previously crossed arms.

I expected something else, anything else to be said between us, but he didn't even give me a second glance as he stalked back towards the staircase of our suites, making me huff out in annoyance.

"Does anybody know what that was about?" I asked once I got into the lab with Tony and Bruce.

I leaned back in the chair and propped my feet on the table, scrolling through shopping apps on my phone.

"Don't worry about the aliens, kid. Thor is overbearing and Reindeer Games is a diva."

I smiled a bit at that, nodding as I came and took a seat with the pair.

"Is that my DNA?" I asked Bruce as I glanced at his screen.

He silently nodded, a finger resting on his chin.

"So?" I inquired further.

"It, uh. It'll take me a bit longer to fully analyze it." He mumbled, still staring inquisitively at the screen.

"Oh, well, if you need any help, I'm free."

"It's alright, I'm just running a few standard tests before I-"

"Doesn't matter, dinner is here." Tony called out as he checked his watch. "Bandit, go tell the pair of gods. They're easier on you."

"Thor!" I yelled through his door instead of knocking.

He opened it only a second later, offering me another sympathetic smile as the storm outside raged on.

"Dinner is done." I smiled. "And, I wanted to say one last 'thank you' for taking care of me." I leaned up onto my tiptoes, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before settling back down. "Expect a case of poptarts at your door within 2 days."

"Thank you, sweet lady." Thor grinned, "It was my honor to be so trusted. Would you like me to escort you to dinner?"

"It's alright, I'm going to grab Loki."

That seemed to make Thor uneasy, shifting as he glanced at his door.

"If he does something stupid, don't hesitate to call for me." He said quietly. "And if he tells you to leave, do so. I will bring his dinner to him in that case."

I quirked an eyebrow upward, but slowly nodded. "He'll be fine, Thor."

Walking up to Loki's door, I tapped lightly a couple times before hearing a sigh on the other side.

"Open it, Rory."

I poked my head in, soon realizing he was laying on his bed, boredly turning through a book.

"Hi, Mischief." I offered a smile to the god as I stepped in and shut the door.

"What is it, Aurora?"

"Hey, grumpy. Don't you go being mean to me." I teased as I walked forward, plopping down on Loki's bed in the same manner he liked to in mine. "I came to tell you dinner is done. Buuuut." Flinging a couple shadows out the door, I rolled closer to the onyx-haired sorcerer before smiling wider, "You don't seem like you're in the mood to deal with the team's shenanigans."

"Go eat, Aurora."

"Loki." I sighed, "What can I do to put you in a better mood?"

"Why does it matter what kind of mood I'm in?" He frustratedly asked. "Just leave me be!"

I frowned, but nodded slightly as I stood from the bed. "Fine. I'll have a shadow bring your dinner. Eat it or don't, I guess."

Walking towards the door, Loki was in front of me before I could reach for the knob.


"Wait a second." He mumbled. "Just..."

A huff escaped his lips when my eyebrows crinkled together, and he pulled me to him. Resting my head on his chest, he lowered his own to the top of my head, sighing against my hair.

We stayed that way for a long moment, though I was unsure what could possibly have had the trickster god so troubled. I chose not to ask, not to pester him for any answers, instead offering the simple comfort he needed.

He released with another deep breath, looking at me before slowly stepped out of my way. "Go ahead, darling."

It took me a second, to contemplate what was my best course of action, but I chose to turn around.

"Why don't I introduce you to some Midgardian classics, hm?" I smiled with a nod towards my room. "You've already seen Addams Family, so... We could do 'Psycho', or 'Nightmare on Elm Street'... Ooooh or 'Evil Dead'!"

As I hoped, this earned a smile from the towering figure beside me, and he slowly nodded.

"Don't you have an important test tomorrow?"

"I'll study while we watch." I shrugged, before tightly grabbing his hand to meet my shadows, who already held our food, in the hall. "Now, come on."

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