Part 9

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"Alright, you wanna tell me what's going on with you and the space wizard?"

"What do you mean? I told you nothing." I questioned as I shoved another spoonful of frozen yogurt into my mouth.

"Well, you two haven't been together today, and you were moody at dinner. And apparently he's being stabby again, so..."

I huffed, setting my spoon down.

"I overheard him talking to Thor about me. He called me a hobby. Like he can just..."

"Oh god, did you sleep with him?!" Tony visibly cringed, looking as though he was ready to gag.

"What? No!" I rolled my eyes before focusing on the table. "Of course I didn't. I just... He got me to open up to him. And for what? A silly way to pass his time?"

"Now I get it." Tony sighed. "He made you comfortable and now you regret it."

I looked up at him and he shook his head.

"Pepper would be great at this conversation."

That earned a chuckle from me, and he smirked.

"Don't let him push you back into your box, little marauder. I like the way you are now."

"I don't think he's the one who brought me out of it." I responded back with a small smile, making Tony share the expression.

"You want me to get rid of him for you? I can do that."

"No, no." I chuckled. "We can keep that card up the sleeve for a little while longer."

By the time we got back to the tower, I could say I was genuinely feeling better. It was strange, having someone be so nice to me without an immediate demand.

In the back of my mind, I wondered what Tony's incentive was. I wondered what the work I was going to have to do was. Surely it was something.

Days went by rather easily after that, avoiding Loki became slightly more difficult because he had a knack for leaving his room when I was coming or going from mine, but I'd usually just teleport once I heard the doorknob.

In all actuality, it was good practice for that skill. I was getting better, landing only within a foot or two of my desired location instead of it being as sporadic as it was previously.

Tony seemed helpful in my desire to stay away from the mischief god, always having a fantastic excuse to get me out of the room when he entered, a way of leaving immediately without looking like I was purposely avoiding him.

Add that to the list of debts I owe to one Tony Stark, I suppose. On top of the nice new phone he had provided me, the laptop, suit, room, food... My list of debts was getting rather long.

It made me anxious, in all honesty, no matter how many times Tony told me there was no need to do anything in return. I still felt I owed him something, but I was sure it'd come up one day.

The most unfortunate thing to have occurred was that my lack of sleep was finally getting to me. Sleeping for a couple hours maximum each night was beginning to take a toll, I could tell. I went from drinking a single cup of coffee in the mornings to several throughout the day, strong and black just to make it through the exhaustion.

Yet, when night fell and the tower got quiet, I was restless as could be, unable to relax enough to close my eyes.

I was up late one evening hitting a punching bag, desperate to exhaust myself enough for a few hours of sleep, when a hand ceased my actions mid swing.

I ripped my earbuds out immediately, turning to face the culprit, only to see Thor.

"Um, hi?" I raised an eyebrow, still heaving from the workout.

"Why aren't you asleep?"

"Why aren't you asleep?" I countered.

"Because I could hear your punching bag and my brother pacing restlessly."

"Sounds like you should be bothering your brother then." I quickly quipped before I could stop myself. "I'm sorry, I'll put the bag up for the night." I cleared my throat.

"He likes you, you know."

"That's not true." I hummed. "And I'm honestly not in the mood to talk about Loki."

Thor groaned. "He does! He's just... He's Loki; he can't help himself but to lie to me."


"Okay, fine." Thor breathed. "No discussing Loki."

"Good. I'm gonna head up for a shower, sorry to keep you up." I mumbled as I began walking.

"Let me escort you. I'm sorry to have came and interrupted your training." Thor responded, "I just thought, perhaps, I could attempt to ease your mind."

"I'm fine, Thor."

"You don't seem fine. Fine people don't decide to spar at midnight."

"I was hoping to tire myself out a bit more." I shrugged as we approached my door. "Thank you. Goodnight, Thor."

Thor shot me a small, sad smile. "Goodnight, Aurora."

I shut the door to my bedroom and sighed as I walked to the bathroom, turning on the hot water just as I heard the slam of Loki's door and hushed voices.

I furrowed my eyebrows, not being able to help but ease drop as I went back towards my door.

"You are the one who screwed it up, brother. Perhaps now you'll understand that your actions do have consequences." I could tell it was Thor's voice, his inability to properly whisper now being incredibly beneficial. "Not everyone is as forgiving as mother and I."

"You know what? Fine. Have the lousy mortal, then. Collect them like Odin's gold for all I care." I heard Loki's voice growl back.

Thor's door beside me slammed shut first, so harshly it shook the wall. Next came Loki's door, and I rolled my eyes at their childish antics.

How incredibly comedic that two thousand year old gods would act so incredibly immature? Trying to slam their doors the hardest, the loudest, just to get a rise out of the other.

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