Part 38

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By the time I woke up, a very clearly unamused redhead was standing in the room, arms folded as she already glared at me.

Fuck my life.

"You gonna yell at me?" I asked as I pushed myself to sit up.

"You left the tower. In the middle of the night. Alone. Wearing nothing but some raggedy sneakers, a sweatshirt that was 3 sizes too big, and a pair of short shorts." She stated the obvious, taking a few steps forward before she sat down in a chair. "You don't have the privilege of being that stupid, if this situation has taught you anything."

"Yeah, alright. I get it." I grumbled back. "But I had it handled."

She nodded. "I can agree with that."

I paused. I had expected an argument. I had expected to be further scolded.

"Fury wants to see you. What you did out there-"

"They were trying to kidnap me!" I quickly argued. "They would've taken me to hydra and tortured me, I had t-"

"Calm down. We're gonna handle it." Natasha tried to ease. "I'm taking you to the helicarrier."

I played with my fingers for a moment, before I sighed with a nod.

"I can change first?"

"Of course you can." Nat acted as if it were a dumb question to even ask, and I nodded as I stood, walking towards the door. "Shadow's been a bit antsy since he woke up, I made him go for a run with Cap."

"Thank you." I mumbled as I walked with her down the hall.

I wouldn't question how she managed to force the wolf away from my side. If I were Shadow, I would do whatever an angry Natasha said as well.

"I'll be out here when you're done." She stopped and said as I reached the staircase.

Walking to my room I sighed, taking a longer break than I would've liked to admit before I finally rubbed a hand over my face, forcing myself to look around the room.

I furrowed my brow at a note sitting on my bed.


Thor and I will be on Asgard for a few days to help our mother prepare for the holidays. I've instructed Heimdall to listen for you, and you are to call his name if you need anything. He will send me back to you if you are to want or need me.

I will come back.

Until then,

I was a bit disappointed, if I were honest.

I vaguely recalled Loki over the course of the night. I wondered if he had slept at all throughout the night, though I didn't believe he had.

Instead, every time I began to wake up his hands were on me, caressing my cheek or petting my hair as he gave me drinks of water and cooed sweet praises at me.

I felt... confused. That was the best way to describe it. The way he switched between literally bolting from my room to acting so affectionate and sweet. The way he seemed to switch between being totally indifferent to me or overly emotional. It was confusing. It was downright frustrating.

I set the note down on my nightstand and changed quickly, silently cursing myself for having had ruined Loki's sweatshirt.

"All done?" Nat asked as I stepped out.

I nodded, looking down at my feet.

"We'll get it over with quick, don't think too much about it."

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