Part 31

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Warning: idk if this really NEEDS a warning, but mentions of violence, spicy activities, and gentlemen's clubs

Sigyn remained quiet the entire time I got ready, simply watching as I put the harness and leash on Shadow.

"You know, you really don't have to go with me if you don't want to." I said with a smile to the girl. "Unless you'd like a small tour of New York, that is."

That earned a smile in return from the shy girl, who nodded.

"That sounds lovely, Lady Aurora."

"Just Aurora is perfectly fine." I lightly corrected, before stopping at the lab to let Tony I was leaving.

"Be safe, Bandit."

Sigyn watched the interaction with curiousity, following closely behind me as I walked away.

"Is that your father?"

A chuckle escaped my lips, "No. He's just Tony."

"He acts as your father, though?"

The statement through me off, in all honesty. I glanced at the woman, who looked as though she had just made the simplest of observations.

"I suppose he does, yes." I responded softly in the elevator. "My dad, though... He's been gone since I was young."

"That happens." Sigyn nodded. "Few Asgardian males choose to procreate with Midgardians, purposefully or otherwise. But, when they do, it puts an awfully large stain on their reputations, especially if already betrothed or wed. It makes most sense to leave the halflings on their mother's realm."

"I'm sorry, are you trying to insinuate I'm a... 'halfling'?"

Sigyn's eyes widened, her mouth agape as she stared at me for a long moment.

"Please don't tell them I said anything." She nearly whispered, her voice soft. "I didn't realize you... Curse my tongue."

I scoffed, "Excuse me?"

"Well, I just assumed you knew." She explained. "The Prince had mentioned his companion, a halfling of Midgard, but I didn't realized you were unaware of your parentage."

Loki's POV (Third Person)

"I'm glad you've enjoyed yourself, mother." Loki huffed as they got back to the tower.

"Loki, you mustn't be so quick to think the worst." Thor sighed towards his brother. "I'm sure Aurora and Sigyn got along just fine."

"She's a talebearer." He grumbled.

"Afraid she'll tell your lady of your rendezvous?" Thor teased his brother with a deep laugh.

"Thor." The queen warned. "I don't wish to hear of such things."

"It's no secret! The poor girl was a crazed disaster after he ended their entanglem-"

Loki glared at the older god, a visible warning to shut his mouth, and it was enough for Thor to drop his words, instead settling for a chuckle.

The elevator doors opened to Tony, spinning Aurora around in a circle as he giddily hugged her. Loki couldn't help but notice, through the forced smile on her lips, she didn't seem nearly as happy.

"What's the celebration for?" Thor questioned.

"Bandit did amazingly on her entry exam. The recruiter at MIT practically begged to have her." He grinned.

"Oh! Congratulations, Aurora." Thor grinned.

The dark haired girl smiled even more softly as he came towards her, hugging her tightly.

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