Part 26

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Loki's POV (Third Person)

"You seem as though you're in a hurry." Frigga stated joyfully to her son. "Perhaps to see that... Friend of yours?"

"Mother." Loki warned with yet another eye roll.

His mother hadn't once stopped trying to discuss Aurora since his arrival, and he dared to think she had only even requested his help with the magistrate legislation as an excuse to learn more.

"Are you going to tell her?"


"Loki." His mother sighed. "She deserv-"

"I am not going to be the one to announce such things to her." Loki grumbled. "You should've let me go to Vanaheim and grab that vile, weak ponce an-"

"Do not forget who you're speaking to." The queen calmly warned, an eyebrow slowly raising as she looked up at her youngest child. "I understand you're angry on behalf of your lady, but violence isn't always the solution to such delicate matters."

"There's nothing delicate about being a nefarious imbecile." Loki grumbled as they reached the bifrost.

"I truly believe you should tell her, Loki." Frigga sighed. "But, I will be on Midgard in a matter of days once I get the healing wing prepared for my absence. Be well."

"Yes, mother."

With that, the queen kissed her son's cheek and he sighed as she teleported back to the palace. With one look and a nod to the tall guardian standing in the center, sword already prepared, Loki was sent back to the roof of the tower.

It was almost immediately that he could feel the unease of the team, before he even actually entered. It wasn't an unusual feeling, but the intensity itself made Loki raise a brow immediately upon seeing them.

"Thor! You said he'd be gone a week at least!" Tony shouted from the hall, completely out of sight.

"Brother! You're back?"

Loki was making a quick stride through the tower, only to watch his brother walk out of Aurora's room, hair wet from a shower and a shirt clinging tightly to his abs.

"What in the realms-"

Thor seemed oblivious to his brother's instant rage, the way his hand calmly slipped into position to summon a dagger.

"Come! Aurora will be so happy!" He was quick to press. "I fear she's become sick of my company during her rest. Though she has been... Quite bubbly lately."

"Her rest?" Loki questioned, motioning the dagger away as he tilted his head in curiosity.

"Do not worry, she's okay." Thor abruptly added, "She got injured on her mission with Stark."

Loki was already moving swiftly away from his brother, stopping just short of Aurora's room to knock a single time before swinging the door open.


"Hi." She immediately perked at the sight of him, a small grin coming to her lips. "You came back!"

"I- Um. Of course I did? Where are you hurt?"

She groaned and rolled her eyes, slumping back down into the bed as she sat the needle and thick string down from her hands.

"I'm perfectly fine." She whined. "They're all being dramatic."

"Aurora, if I have to explain another time that breaking half your ribs is not a 'minor incident', I will take you off the phone plan." Tony announced over the intercom.

"I told you to stop listening to my com! You eavesdropping creep!" She looked up at the ceiling to scream.

Loki ran a hand over the intercom, a large box with a speaker sitting above a lit button.

"He can't hear you." He mumbled as he inched closer. "Show me."




His frown made her giggle, which only forced a raised eyebrow from the god.

"She tried to get out of bed earlier, and I had to carry her back." Thor sighed from the doorway. "I gave her some medicinal tablets the mortals made for you and I... She's... quite full."

Loki groaned at that, pushing his brother towards the hall.

"Get out; I have her."

"Call for me shall you need it, Aurora!" Thor's call could be heard through the slamming door.

"Rory, darling, let me see."

"See what?" The girl teased from her bed.

"Let me see your injury." He responded flatly.

"If you want me to take my shirt off, you're gonna have to take me out to dinner first."

Loki had rarely ever been at a loss for words in his life, but Aurora acted as if turning his tongue to lead was an easy trick, instantly his brain seemed to malfunction as he simply stared at the girl in front of him.

It only lasted a moment, though, before the mischievous grin plastered itself to his features.

"I will gladly take you to dinner when you're feeling better, princess. For now, though, lift it up enough for me to see."

Aurora half-heartedly feined being put-upon by the request, but stretched out on her bed enough to elongate her torso.

Loki only half glanced down as she fumbled with the fabric of her shirt, before focusing once more on her face.

When the shirt was lifted just enough, exposing the bottom of her rib cage, the trickster god felt his jaw settle in a clench. It had been days since that mission, and yet the dark purple bruise still looked painful.

"Don't get grumpy; it's healing up fine according to Bruce." Aurora sighed before a deep yawn made every muscle on her stomach tense and pull, her back arching ever slightly before she settled back down and winced at the pain.

Loki was far more surprised she felt a thing, given how clearly out of it she was.

"I'm far more frustrated that no one thought to call for me when you were first injured." Loki admitted. "You've been huddled in this room for days in pain."

"You can make it up to me." Aurora smiled.

He was hesitant to ask, his eyebrow quirking upwards at her small smirk, waiting for another half-thought comment to escape her lips under the influence of the medication.

"How's that, love?"

She simply pulled back the other side of the blanket, before nuzzling herself further into the bed.

"I've slept exactly 9 hours since you've been gone. Get in."

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