Part 36

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One minute, Loki was kissing me.

Not even just kissing me, but kissing me. My jaw, my neck, his hands pulling me closer to him, gripping my thighs and hips...

The next minute, he was carefully placing me back on the bed and teleporting away faster than I could even say anything...

What the fuck?

I sat there for a long moment, completely shocked. Longer than I would like to admit, if I were honest.

Then? I was just pissed.

He was fucking with me. For what purpose? It wasn't clear. But he was fucking with me. Why else would he have left like that?

I was up, storming from my bed when Shadow banged on my closet door, roughly. He could feel my agitation.

I opened it for him, and he was already on high alert, the fur on his back bristling and standing straight.

"Fucking asshole." I growled.

As soon as I opened my door, though, I felt completely deterred from going towards his door. I stopped and stared at the silver knob for a long moment, before grabbing Shadow's harness and placing it on him, along with his leash.

"He doesn't deserve our time." I said quietly, hooking a leash to the wolf's harness. "Come on."

Our usual trail was obviously closed, due to the time of night. So, I took for a not-so-trail through the woods of the same area.

I couldn't quite explain the way the moon and stars brought me comfort. I had always taken to them when it came to my problems in life. I had always found comfort in the sky and stars. Perhaps that was because it was all I had, when Hydra forced my every move.

After a long while, longer than I probably should have been gone, I sat against a tree and sighed, Shadow quickly coming to lay on my bare legs.

"I know, I know." I mumbled at the dog. "I wore shorts out, at night, in the New York winter. I-... Impulse outweighed intelligence, I suppose."

He grumbled.

"Well, what would you rather have done? It was that, or chop that stupid god up and feed him to you."

When Shadow licked his lips, I giggled at the wolf.

"Stop it, you're more civilized than that." I playfully scolded, "Besides, you'd already eaten."

I stopped for a moment to look at my phone, only then seeing the several frantic texts and calls from the Avengers.

Tony: Aurora where the hell are you?! 
- 9 missed calls

Tony: Why did I give you a phone if you're not going to answer it?! You're SO grounded.

Thor: Sweet lady, would you mind coming back home? There's an urgent matter.
- 3 missed calls

Nat: You're an idiot. Get your ass back here before Tony makes us search for you.
- 1 missed call

Wanda: You cannot possibly think you can run off IN SHORTS! Get home, now. At least for pants.

Clint: Nat is really mad at you right now.

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