Part 18

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"So, Bandit, you name that thing yet?" Tony asked me at dinner, pointing to the puppy who slept peacefully a few feet away.

"It's weirdly well behaved." Nat commented.

"He's a good listener." I shrugged. "And no, I haven't yet. I'm open to suggestions."

"Mishka." Nat suggested.

"Teddy bear, that's cute." I said with a laugh.

"Ty govorish' po-russki?"


Nat raised a glass, smiling before taking a drink.

"Fenrir!" Thor tried.

"What's that?"

"The Midgardian lores of us told of a wolf named Fenrir. It was an incorrect spelling of an old wolf my father had, named Fenris."

I remembered instantly, giggling as I looked down at my food.

"What's funny?" Thor tilted his head.

"Fenrir is also said to be one of the many children Loki has fathered."

Loki looked incredulously at me, "The wolf? The giant, man eating wolf is supposed to be my child?"

Thor boomed laughter, nearly wheezing. "I truly did not think they'd believe that." He cackled. "That's hilarious!"

"You said one of the children I've fathered?" Loki's eyebrows furrowed further as he looked back at me. He glanced back at his brother.

"There's a horse too." Tony tried his best to hold in his laughter as he said, staring at the information on his phone with a tear nearly falling down his cheek from the strain.

"Incorrect." I responded while looking Stark in the eye. "He mothered that one."

That broke him immediately, his face becoming bright red as he almost slipped from his chair in laughter.

"I have no children." Loki gritted. "Thor, you blasted muttonhead, I swear to the norns I-"

Loki was still talking, but something shot a piercing head pain into my skull, blocking out the sound.

I gritted my teeth as I looked down, attempting to avoid the lights in my eyes as the migraine settled in.

"Are you alright, dear?" I heard Frigga's hushed tone beside me.

When did she get beside me?

"Hm? Oh, yes. I'm quite alright, your highness." I feigned a smile back, making her nod though she didn't seem convinced.

Loki's stern gaze at me made me huff a bit of a laugh.

"Just a migraine." I eased him.

He relaxed a bit more, nodding as the discussion swiftly changed to Stark's Halloween party at the end of the month. I rolled my eyes as I finished my food and stood from the table, taking my plate to the sink.

"You alright, little sorceress?" Thor's voice was hushed as he stood closely beside me, trying not to let the others hear.

"I'm alright, Thunder. Just haven't properly relaxed, I'm afraid." I lied with a smile, trying to reassure the god.

I likely wasn't lying, though. Between the week's missions, the puppy, and sick Loki I hadn't rested at all like I had wanted to.

"Let me clear up tonight, lady." He said softly as he took the plate from me, a small smile on his features. "Go rest. I'll ensure the group doesn't worry."

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