Part 17

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Going to stores with Thor and the puppy quickly became my new favorite activity.

Thor was so funny, looking at everything with such curiosity and optimism. He'd touch everything in sight, compliment every 'ware' as he called it, and make certain to do all of this while right beside me.

The only downside was the many fans who stopped us for pictures or autographs, but Thor loved the attention. He loved to be loved, making me roll my eyes as he excitedly spoke to everyone.

"Okay, do we need anything else?" I asked him before I walked to the register. I had gotten a collar and leash, a dog bed, some fruit and veggies, and plenty of toys for the pup.

Thor held up one finger, telling me to wait while he practically ran to the breakfast section. I sighed, smiling softly as he came back with an armful of boxes.

"No." He said after he dropped them into the cart with a sweet, innocent look on his face.

"Once we leave here we need to go to the butcher, then we'll be done." I smiled as I quickly scanned all the items and paid with the card.

Thor offered to carry all the bags, being the gentleman he was, but I shook my head and put them all in my dimensional pocket.

The butcher was quick, and pretty cheap considering I wanted lots of things others wouldn't buy on top of the normal stuff, such as organs and bone. I had left Thor outside with the canine as to not anger the butcher, so he was probably a bit confused when a tiny girl asked for as much deer meat as he could muster, entrails and all.

"You got a monster to feed?" The older gentleman questioned with a smile.

"A wolf." I responded.

"Well, since that's the case. $1,235 is your total cost for the deer, and I'll throw in some extra hooves and organs to keep your pup occupied."

I handed him my card and he quickly finished the transaction. "Thank you again, Mr..."

"Just call me Mike." He answered kindly as I took the bags. "Come again any time, sweetheart."

"I'm sure Loki will be pleased when we get back." Thor stated absentmindedly.

"Why's that?"

"Well, he'll be pleased that you're home, and that we're not alone together any further."

I furrowed my brow and he chuckled.

"Loki doesn't share his things."

"I'm not his property, Thor." I stated callously.

"Of course not, Aurora." Thor responded as if that were a silly prospect. "But my point being, he would be offended if I tried to woo you."

I only rolled my eyes at the god.

"I'll make you a wager." Thor grinned, an unusual mischievous glint in his eye.

"And that wager is?"

"My brother will most definitely ask you what we were doing all this time." Thor smirked. "Lie to him."

"Thor, why would I purposely stir up trouble?"

"I'll bet you a month's worth of poptarts he stabs me." His smile busted into a grin, and I simply know I looked at him in confused horror. "Calm, it doesn't do much. Last time he stabbed me it only took 3 days to heal, and our mother is a healer."

"Why even did he stab you?" I questioned, remembering their display in the commons.

Thor chuckled. "I... Respectfully." He paused. "Very respectfully" He emphasized, "admired your beauty in the suit Stark made. He took offense to that, obviously."

I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to detect a lie from the thunder god, which he quickly caught onto.

"Just lie and watch, little sorceress. I'll catch a blade before the night is through." He smirked as we walked into the tower.

"Hey, Lo." I grinned as I held the puppy at his door. "Just came to let you know I was back."

He smiled a bit and nodded. "It took you awhile. Did you have trouble?"

"With Thor's desperate fangirls? Yes."

Loki chuckled at that, opening the door wider to let me and the puppy inside.

"Where'd you go?"

I took a small breath. "Just the store." I lied, omitting the butcher.

His smile didn't falter for a second. "How nice."

"Your mother go home?" I asked with a tilt of my head.

If Frigga wasn't here to heal Thor, the deal was off. I'd have to correct myself to the mischief god before he stabbed his brother.

"No, she went to the guest room for some quiet. It's easier to project amongst the realms that way, and she needed to speak with our father."

"Oh, that's cool." I shrugged. "You okay?"

"Perfectly fine, darling." He hummed back, though he looked through his bookcase.

"Ummm, okay. Well, I'm gonna go set up the puppy's stuff. I can catch you around dinner?"

"Sounds perfect."

I nodded as I went towards the door, but Loki's short chuckle made me stop.

"Tell my brother he owes you a month's worth of pop-tarts while you're out and about; will you, love?"

I looked over at him with my nose scrunched up, surprised to see he was now looking back at me with a smirk.

"Unless of course you want me to stab him. I'm content either way."

"Stop doing your fancy mind stuff on me." I grumbled.

"I've tried." He murmured back, making an easy stride of closing the distance between us. "Believe me, I've tried. That lovely, brilliant brain of yours just screams to me. Calls to me. It makes it impossible not to hear you."

I felt myself grow rigid as his head leaned down, his breath hitting my right cheek and ear. His hand slowly rested on my waist, rubbing a calming circle with his thumb.

"I've yet to give you a proper expression of my appreciation for caring for me so satisfactorily." He hummed as his lips lightly pressed to my cheek, so ghostly I almost didn't believe he had done it. "So thank you."

I cleared my throat as he leaned back, a large smirk on his features. "Anytime, Lo." I hummed as I turned around and walked out of the room. "See you at dinner."

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