Part 5

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I spent much of that afternoon in "evaluation". Fury gave me task after task to complete, much of it seemed like mediocre training. Seeing how fast I could run, how strong I was, more tedious and mundane tasks. Afterwards, they put me through a machine that found the tracker in my neck and their doctor removed it.

"Alright. You listen here, little marauder." Stark began as we walked into the tower and towards an elevator. "If I see even an ounce of mischief or thievery on your end, I'm pulling the plug on this deal. If you so much as think of going against orders, I'm pulling the plug. Do you understand?"

I nodded silently, honestly quite nervous. The three men stood in front, while Loki and I took the back of the elevator. I felt a hand brush against my own from beside me and looked to him.

He's a pompous idiot. Don't fret.

I could hear Loki's words in my mind, but he didn't actually say a thing aloud. I thought to myself what a neat trick it was, only to be responded to.

Thank you, darling.

I stifled a laugh and pushed my gaze back to the ground, ignoring Loki's smirk. When the elevator doors opened I was wringing my hands, attempting to calm some of the nerves.

"Guys, this is Aurora, the gauntlet bandit. Bandit, this is the team." Stark said nonchalantly. I knew some of them, but in all honesty I didn't get a whole lot of news time with Hydra.

"Natasha Romanoff." That one I knew. I extended my hand as she spoke to me, and she took it with a small smile.

"Aurora Doyle."

"That's Clint, Hawkeye. That's Sam; he's Falcon." I smiled a bit at the gentlemen, but they didn't pay me much mind. Natasha continued, pulling me over to another woman sitting beside what looked like a cyborg. "This is Wanda and Vision." Both were incredibly kind, and seemed happy.

"There's other scraggly members that are in and out, but you'll meet them as it goes." Stark butted in as Wanda and I spoke. "I'll show you to your room."

As we walked, Tony pointed out rooms here and there. He seemed to relax a bit in my presence, but I could tell I wasn't necessarily overjoyed or trusting. The tower had a crazy amount of amenities, from different training and meeting rooms to relaxing commons.

"This one is you. Loki is across the hall, Thor is beside you."

I nodded a bit. "I, uh. Thank you, Mr.Stark."

His eyebrows furrowed as he looked at me. "Huh, I expected to hear 'tin can' again." He seemed puzzled for a moment, or perhaps it was something else. Nonetheless, he nodded. "You're welcome, kid."

I spent that entire evening in my room. It was plain, light grey walls and a bed in the middle with a dresser, nightstands, a closet, and a full bathroom. It wasn't much but it was definitely better than anything Hydra had ever given me. I wasn't sure what to make of it. The avengers, SHIELD, I knew they were the 'good guys'... But are good guys ever really good?

My thoughts were interrupted by a knocking on my door. I nearly jumped at the sound, but as I opened it Wanda stood outside my door.

"I didn't see you come in with any bags, so I thought maybe you'd like to borrow some clothes?" She had a pair of leggings, a pair of sweats, and a couple t-shirts in her hands.

This was... almost too nice, it felt like. "You really don't ha-"

"I want to, Aurora. You're no burden." She said with a small smile.

"Thank you." I said quietly as she pushed the clothes into my hands. "I really appreciate it."

"No problem. Get some rest, Tony wants you and I to train together tomorrow morning. FRIDAY will wake you."

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