Part 34

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"Oh... You... You think so?" I dumbly managed to huff out, my eyelids begging to lower at the way his voice sounded, so soft yet rugged against my ear.

"Quite certain of it, Princess." A single arm slid down from its place of blocking me in, falling to my waist and slithering around to the other side.

A shuddering breath that escaped my lips only seemed to encourage the god, whose nose just barely traced under my jawline.

"I, um..."

"Little Marauder, Mr. Stark requests your presence in the lab." The automated voice rang out amongst the hall, making me jump as if I were a child being caught in the act of troublemaking.

I was flushed, I knew, flustered beyond words as Loki took a slow step back, and I nearly forced my feet to begin a quick pace to the lab. I didn't even glance in his direction.

Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck!

That should not have happened. How'd that even just happen?!

I was still reeling when I got to the lab, staring blankly at Tony for a solid moment, my brain not comprehending a word that came from his mouth.

"Bandit???" He now said, louder and more clearly.

"Oh, yeah? What's up?"

"Did you hear a single word I said?"

I shook my head, making him sigh.

"I need you to fix the pulsator in the Mark II. Rhodey managed to jam it."

I nodded now, instantly pulling up the diagnostics from Friday, the hologram protruding from the desk Tony and Bruce had designated to me.

"I'll consider it one of your days." Tony added as he continued working on his own project.

"Tony, this will take me an hour at most."

He smiled, shrugging. "Pepper said you're helping her with Christmas decorations, that saves me far more of a headache than you actually working in the lab all day." He chuckled out, making me roll my eyes.

"Alright, fine."

An hour in the lab, another few with Pepper, feeling like a lost puppy as she directed me on how to hang and place Christmas decor, and by the time I was done it was evening.

I was genuinely glad to have been kept busy, still struggling with the interaction I had with Loki earlier in the day and being far more embarrassed than I thought even possible for myself.

I cooked dinner that night, completely trying to avoid both the other common rooms and the floor I shared with the gods, nervous I may run into him. It was going to be awkward, I knew. How could it not be, when I practically ran from him like some crazed, wounded animal? Really.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

I sighed as I told Friday dinner was done, a simple penne pasta with marinara and chicken, and the avengers were quick to file in afterwards, taking plates as I made them and placed them on the island. Frigga shot me a smile as Thor took both his and her plate ahead of her, the handmaiden she brought along having chosen to stay in her room for the evening.

I knew when Loki came in, his steps the quietest and stealthiest of the bunch, reminiscent of a small cat more than the towering god he was. I had faced the stove, busying myself with making my own plate as I assumed he would grab the one off the island just as everyone else had, but when I felt a hand on my lower back slithering to my hip, I stiffened.

"Thank you, darling." He hummed softly, his head peering slightly over my shoulder as I felt his chest lightly brush against my back.

"No problem." I responded back with a faint smile.

I heard a soft sigh escape his lips as he took a step back, and I turned to face the mischief god. "Maybe we can... watch a movie, after dinner? We've yet to see the last two of that franchise you enjoy."

Loki and I had watched dozens of movies together, it was each of our favorite excuse to 'accidentally fall asleep' in one another's beds as we watched movies late in the evening, but the question still made me feel increasingly tense. I still felt awkward, no matter how easy it seemed to come to Loki.

I laughed a bit, nodding, "Right. Final Nightmare and New Nightmare."

Loki smiled sweetly in return, nodding as he held his plate in his hand, before nodding towards the table.

I tried to keep my mind from straying during dinner, I really did. I tried to listen to the others talk, tried to focus on the food, something. Nonetheless, my mind kept straying to the moment in the hallway, the way his hand felt on my hip, the way his breath felt on my skin- and then immediately had to scold myself to stop before Loki's innate senses came in and he decided to read my mind; that would be horrific. I'd likely die from complete and utter humiliation.

He was just fucking with me, I'm sure. Teasing me for getting jealous of the handmaiden having any bit of his attention.

I'm such a joke.

I must've been staring down at my plate for a moment too long, because Thor's arm casually wrapped around the top of my chair from his spot beside me, a small smile he shot me as he continued his conversation with Cap.

Gods even Thor can see that I'm stressing. I've gotta snap the hell out of it.

How even can I?!

I shot him a feigned smile back, forcing a bite of the pasta before I decidedly realized I didn't even like the dish; I've always hated store-bought onions in marinara sauce. They were always far less sweet, leaving an aftertaste I simply wasn't a fan of. I had completely forgotten to make a separate pan for myself, without it.

I nearly groaned right then and there at the table, but sat and pushed the pasta around until Natasha got up, giving me the perfect opportunity to leave without being the first one.

I quickly stood and covered my still full plate with a napkin, taking it and dumping it in Shadow's bowl before anyone could call me out or ask any questions for the lack of eating actually done. I washed my dish while Shadow immediately destroyed any evidence, and took him upstairs to my room not a second later.

As soon as I touched that handle, though...

"Your mind has been exceedingly loud this evening, darling."


"Yep, just like that."

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