Part 43

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"MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!" Was what I was awoken to the next morning, Tony's grin wide as he busted into my room.

I instinctually felt panic and embarrassment grasping me completely, grabbing my blanket and pulling it upwards quickly to hide my-

Wait, I was clothed. In a nice, what felt to be silk pajama set, shorts and a button up shirt.

Was this silk? It felt... like the softest thing I had ever touched, actually.

I looked down at the nice, slick black clothing, the edges a sparkling gold color, then glanced around my bed.

Empty, with the exception of me, and Shadow who laid at my feet, though he had most definitely gone to his own bed the night before. I had distinctly remembered Loki closing the door for him.

I had distinctly remembered Loki.

Not a single stain or discolored mark on either the blanket or sheet, which I was rather certain would be there the night prior.

"COME ON! Up, up!" Tony gripped my arm, yanking me from the bed and my thoughts.

I got a peek at the clock as he yanked me.

"Tony, it's 7am." I groaned.

"I know. My first Christmas with a kid and I didn't even get to experience the joy of a child jumping on me at 5am." Tony smirked, still pulling me by the arm as Shadow chased after us excitedly.

"You..." I almost had gotten out the phrase 'you know I'm not a child', until the reality of his words hit me, making me smile slightly. "Sorry to disappoint, Tin-man."

"Just make sure you put up a fight with Pepper over doing breakfast before presents." He chuckled back.

"Aurora! Good morning!" I was nearly shocked to see everyone else had already gotten up, but smiled as Clint brought me a coffee. "Merry Christmas."

"Thanks, Clint. Merry Christmas." I smiled."

"Breakfast, then presents, then we do have a little charity lunch for some kiddos, and when we get back we're doing dinner and boozed up movie marathon." Tony informed me, "But Nat and Clint leave before the booze comes out."

"Boo! Lame." I teased the pair.

Clint chuckled a bit. "Sorry, the kids get disappointed if I'm not home in time to make cookies."

"... You have kids? Like.. Plural, several children?" I raised my brows and Clint grinned.

"3, actually."

"To be fair, the rest of the team didn't know, either, until the whole Ultron incident." Thor stated with a chuckle.

"Ultron was the first stone dude, right?"

"Yes!" Thor grinned, seemingly just glad I was interacting with him.

"Yeah... Junior was mess." Tony grumbled as he sat to the left of me.

"Brother!" Thor joyfully yelled at the kitchen when breakfast was beginning to wind down.

The thunder god jumped up, no doubt going to bother his younger brother, with a childish giggle.

They spoke in the kitchen for a moment while Loki made himself tea, but I simply felt my eyes fall to my feet, trying my best not to think about anything loud enough for the trickster to hear me. I toyed with the leftover eggs on my plate, but glanced upwards when Nat giggled in front of me.

"New pajamas, aye?" She smirked at what I knew was surely a blush on my heating cheeks, making me bite my lip with a laugh.

"Yep." I tried to say nonchalantly.

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