[ch. 13]

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omg guys gotta see all time low in concert wednesday [5/13/15] .. best night of my life!

I was finally home and I was paranoid about everything. I couldn't focus on anything, I stayed downstairs and hugged my legs while in silence. I couldn't believe what I found out about Luke, he killed his brothers but I don't know how he did. He said it was an accident and I don't know how I could be, but then again maybe it was. Im not him so I can't speak for him, but Michael, he was supposedly there. I remembered their argument when I was in the hospital after the accident.

I wanted to ask Michael but him and I aren't talking to each other right now, so asking him is out. But Calum also knows what happened, yet he said he wouldn't tell me. I don't know what to do, but I'll just have to figure all of this out on my own.

I heard someone yell my name. Screaming I grabbed the couch pillow and threw it towards the noise as I heard a crash like sound. "Lana!" I turned around to see my angry mother.

"Hi." I smiled shyly, before she could get to me I ran out the front door. I wasn't sure where I was going but I wasn't going back home.

I stopped running to catch my breath and that's when I felt a hand cup around my mouth and grab me around my waist causing me to wince as I tried screaming but no one could hear me. "Shh." The voice whispered to me, like shushing me would make this situation better. Not. I groaned and shot my elbow back into the persons stomach as they swore in pain.

I turned around and finally saw who it was and sighed. "Harry?!" I exclaimed looking down at him holding his stomach groaning.

"Jesus Lana, did you have to elbow me that hard?" Harry asked with a groan and I gave him a look as I knelt down next to him.

"You idiot." I groaned as I began smacking his arm repeatedly, "You gave me a heart attack!" I scolded him, Harry was swatting at my hands.

"Lana stop it." He whined before he grabbed both my wrist and looked at me with his dark emerald green eyes of his. "This is important, Lana you're in danger." Harry said as my eyes went wide.

"But Luke said that-"

"He was wrong," Harry said cutting me off, "They knew he wouldn't let you go with him because of how dangerous it could be. They know you're out here alone, Lana you need to go right now." Harry said in a panic and that made me start to shake.

"They?" I asked.

"Marc and his crew. I'm not with Marc anymore, I'm on your side Lana." Harry explained to me, "But you need to go now." Harry said standing up as I followed him.

That's when I heard a gunshot as Harry kneeled to the ground grabbing his shoulder. "Harry!" I cried out, he pushed me away from him and closed his eyes tightly as he breathed out deeply.

"Lana go, run." Harry instructed me.


"Go." He said in a deeper more intimidating way, "Run to the woods and don't stop, just run we'll find you I promise." Harry said, his dark green eyes became a lighter shade as he looked up at me and gave me an apologetic look.

I followed Harry's orders and headed for the woods. I ran as fast as I could and no matter how tired I got I never stopped, I kept running. Just like Harry said to. I finally made it into the woods as I heard footsteps from behind me at the sound of the leaves crunching with every step I took. I began to panic as I ran faster trying to pick up the pace but the footsteps grew louder and closer. I ran through bushes and I also ran through a thorn bush which cut up half of my left leg making it a lot harder for me to run. But no matter I kept going.

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