[ch. 34]

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We had finally gotten to Luke's room and I was shaking, scared to see what state he was in.. Ashton had opened the door and let me in, there he laid up awake and sore watching spongebob with a giant bandaid on his chest. He turned to see who was at the door and once he focused his eyes on me he ripped off all the wires attached to him and ran towards me, he lifted me up spinning me around before wincing from the pain he was in. He set me down as Ashton and I helped him back to his bed.

He pulled me down and gave me a passionate kiss before pulling away, "I thought I lost you baby.." He mumbled as he continuously kept kissing the back of my hand. The doctor came in and gave Luke a look.

"Luke, did you get out of bed?" The doctor asked, Luke slouched back into the hospital bed and blushed slightly while looking at me. "I thought so." The doctor chuckled while he picked up Luke's clipboard. "Hm, it seems that everything is going well, just rest up here for the night and you may check out in the morning." The doctor said as he placed the clipboard down.

Luke nodded as the doctor left and then patted the spot next to him on the hospital bed, I grinned widely as I gladly crawled into bed and laid my head on his chest. As soon as I had gotten comfortable I got up quickly and ran to the bathroom as I began to get sick. When I came out I knew Luke was wondering what was wrong and I was too.

"Have you eaten today?" He asked me, I shook my head no before laying back down with him as he rubbed my back slowly. "Maybe that's why you're getting sick, you gotta eat." He told me as he pushed the button for the nurse to come.

"Is everything okay Luke?" A nurse asked rushing into the room.

"Yeah, everything's fine." He said looking down at me, "My girl isn't feeling well, could we possibly get some food up here to her?" He asked, the nurse nodded rushing out to go get my food. I looked at Luke and groaned.

"You didn't have to do that.." I mumbled.

"Lana you aren't feeling well and you need something to eat. I don't want you getting sick, because then you'll be miserable and when you're miserable I am too." Luke explained kissing my forehead. It didn't take long for the nurse to come back with some soup and crackers along with a water bottle. My stomach began to growl and I thought I was about to get sick again, but it was just telling me I'm hungry.

"Thank you." I said to the nurse who smiled at me and walked to leave but stopped to turn to us.

"You two have something very special, don't let that love go." She told us smiling, "You'll always try to search for the right love but never realize it was always right in front of you." She beamed looking at us before leaving. I looked up at Luke who had looked like a cat has caught his tongue.


"She's right. I've never realized the one I love has always been right in front of me." He spoke and my eyes went wide, "You're the one I love Lana and I won't take that for granted or use it to hurt you, I'm madly in love with you and I'm sorry it took me so long to realize it." Luke said, I felt my heart burst and butterflies erupt in my stomach as I grabbed his face and crashed our lips together.

"I love you too dork." I said pulling away with a big smile on my face.

"It's about damn time." I heard from the door, I looked and saw Harry and Ashton high-fiving and getting all happy.

"Finally grew a pair and told her you loved her." Ashton chuckled wrapping his arm around Harry as he grinned.

"Were you two eavesdropping?" Luke asked, I don't know why he'd ask that when it's obvious that they in fact did eavesdrop on the conversation.

"Of course." Harry admitted boldly sticking out his chest while Ashton smacked him hard on the chest causing Harry to groan.

"Not that I don't love seeing you guys," I started off as Harry and Ashton smirked, "But can you leave?" I asked, I wasn't trying to be rude or anything.

Harry looked offended, "How rude." He huffed sticking up his nose and crossing his arms.

Ashton rolled his eyes at how dramatic Harry was being and grabbed the collar of his shirt and began to drag him out of the room with a smile on his face. Harry on the other hand was struggling to get out of Ashton's grasp.

The door to the room shut leaving Luke and I alone once again, Luke cupped his hands around my cheeks and smiled at me, "I'm so glad you're mine." He spoke softly before his lips crashed onto mine creating those sparks I enjoy every time our lips connect like this. They move in perfect sync while he tries to get more access with his tongue. Usually I don't like tongue because it can become sloppy, but with Luke, he knows what he's doing and I allow him.

I didn't want it to get too heated because one; Luke is still mildly hurt, and two; we're in a hospital and I don't think the nurses would be pleased to see us hard core making out when he should be resting. I pulled away leaving Luke laying there pouting at me and I leaned in and gave him a peck on the lips before I started to eat my soup.

Luke had turned on the tv in the room and kept flipping through channels to see what was on and so far it was nothing since he's yet to pick a channel. "This is bogus, there's absolutely nothing to watch!" Luke groaned in frustration. I shook my head at him and grabbed the remote to look myself for something to watch.

Abc family had a movie playing called Failure To Launch, I turned to that channel as Luke and I began to watch the movie.


It was late at night and I was wide awake in Luke's arms while he snored lightly. I don't know why but I just couldn't sleep, I was thinking about what had all happened. I almost died and so did Michael and Luke, I would've lost two people who mean so much to me in just one day. I'm so terrified that Marc will come back and try to finish what he didn't get to today.

I shook at the thought and accidentally woke up Luke, yawning as he turned to look at me with his messy hair that stuck straight up, he gave me a worried look. "Are you okay, did you have a bad dream? Or do you feel sick again, do I need to call the nurses and-"

"Luke.." I giggled lightly at how cute he was when he cared, though he kept asking about twenty questions to know if I'm okay. "I just, I'm afraid Marc will come for me again..." I mumbled. Luke pulled me in closer to him.

"Babe, Marc isn't going to be coming after us since he's going to be locked away for a very long time." Luke reassured me and I smiled letting out a sigh of relief knowing he wouldn't be coming after us again.

"Thank goodness."

"Now will you finally go to sleep, I can't sleep unless you're safe and sound." Luke said giving me a kiss on my forehead as I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


everyone is a okayyy! yay! luke is so cute i just gahh i gotta hug him!

nicole xx

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