Chapter 4

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Diego's POV:

We finished with the first few scenes with Martina and I must say... She's such an amazing girl and really talented too.

Even though she has been nervous before we started as soon as the cameras started she acted like a professional.

She was even better than I was when I started!

- You were amazing! - I said to her when we finished - I knew you shouldn't be worrying so much!

- Thank you - she said, blushing slightly.

- I'm pretty sure you'll be getting better and better with time and you won't be worried so much.

----- TIME SKIP -----

I'm so glad that Selvaggia decided to come with me because while I wasn't on set I could be around her.

- You were amazing! - she said as she hugged me.

- I'm a father in real life. It's not so hard to be a father on set too - I laughed as I hugged her back.

- How long time do you have before getting back on set? - she asked with a cheeky smile on her face.

- Uh... Well, that depends on why do you ask that? - I asked back, smiling at her.

- Maybe we could spend that time together... - she said while she took my hand and placed it on her cheek, looking up into my eyes.

- Well... I have some time... - I smirked as I caressed her cheek then kissed her passionately on the lips while I pulled her with me to the changing room since it's only mine so no one can bother us.

When we were there I made sure that indeed no one will bother us so I closed to door and as soon as I did Selvaggia pulled me to the sofa, pushed me down on, got on top of me and began to kiss me passionately.

I love how she can always get me off my feet with her beauty and passion.

We never lost and will never going to lose passion for each other... Or atleast I won't lose anything of it...

----- TIME SKIP -----

Later on we both headed back to the set and we were just in time.

- Well, well... - I smirked as I turned to Selvaggia again - Now I need to go to work, but be good, okay? - I said cheekily.

- I'll try - she smirked back - But I think you need to go to fix some things and get my lipstick off your face!

- Ah! Thanks for telling me - I laughed awkwardly - I'll do that!

Meanwhile I saw Alfredo and Ezequiel nearby, grinning like two idiots so after I finished up with fixing myself I went to see them...

- What the hell are you two smiling about? - I asked them.

- Nooothing! - they both replied.

- Then go and care about your business! - I groaned.

- Aww, don't be so grumpy! - Ezel laughed - I'm smiling like an idiot because I'm jealous of you!

- Eh?

- I'd love such a passionate and beautiful wife as her - he winked.

- Ehh... This is enough... - I groaned - Let's just go back to work, okay?!

- Okay!

Then luckily Clari came so he didn't continue to being disgusting.

- Hey! Are you ready? - she asked, smiling slightly, but for some reason she seemed upset.

- Yes... I am ready - I nodded as we quickly headed off to the set to start.

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