Chapter 20

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Diego's POV:

This is ridiculous! I can't get some free time even on my birthday!

I'll be working on the cooking kind of show the whole day and after that I have a meeting too and I can barely get home till the evening!


----- TIME SKIP -----

I've been getting ready to leave the house when I heard a lovely voice from behind me, saying...

- Good morning, birthday boy!

- Well, good morning, lovely lady - I smirked as I turned around to see Selvaggia standing behind me - How come you're awake this early? You don't have any job to do today... Or do you?

- Not job... But I wanted to be the first one to wish you a happy, happy birthday! - she said as she kissed me on the cheek.

- You just made my day so much better! - I smiled while hugging her close to me - Thank you, beautiful... It means a lot... And hearing from you means even more...

- I'm glad to hear that... And don't be so annoyed, okay? Time's gonna pass by fast!

- I hope so - I sighed deeply and soon I left my house to get to work.

----- TIME SKIP -----

Around half way through my day I got a phone call about my meeting was cancelled which I was really happy about as then I could go home much earlier.

People from the staff and everyone I've been working with wished me happy birthday and I was really happy, but now all I wanted is to get home and be with my family...

But before I could head home I got a text from Selvaggia where she asked me to go to the Castillo Household as soon as I'm done with work.

But why? I'm not going to have to work in Violetta today... Or yes?

I don't know, but I decided to do how I was asked and went to the house...

There everything was pretty quiet...

- They probably aren't filming here any more today... - I mumbled to myself, but as I looked around it seemed a bit suspicious as everything was decorated to a birthday - Wait a second...

And just as I said that suddenly people jumped out of nowhere, screaming:


For long seconds I didn't even know how to react, but then I smiled...

- Good god! Thank you so much! You really shouldn't have done a this for me!

- You deserve it! - said Alfredo - Selvaggia wanted all of us to be here and to make you happy... And I think it worked out pretty well!

- I hope you're happy atleast - Selvaggia continued as she came up to me, hugging tightly - You were so grumpy this morning...

- Well... I'm happier than ever now - I replied as I picked her up and kissed her - Thank you...

- Ah! Well... How about you enjoy yourself with us for the rest of the day?

- Sounds lovely! - I nodded then I looked up to the others - Thank you all so much for even coming here for my sake!

- Come on! Of course we came! - said Flor.

- We're a big family after all! - Clari continued.

- Thank you... Really...

And for the rest of the day we had this lovely party together, but once again for some reason Clari looked a little down....

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