Chapter 44

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Diego's POV:

Marco was willing to help me make that choreography to happy on ice and we got some help from others too whom will be dancing with me later on.

It was kinda hard to keep this in secret from Selvaggia as she seemed suspicious about me disappearing every afternoon for 4-5 hours then coming back dead tired, but I had to do this.

I want to surprise her.

----- TIME SKIP -----

In one afternoon when I arrived and ready to work with Marco he came up to me and was acting pretty weird which I didn't understand first, until he spoke up...

- Are you seriously planning this for your wife? Because if yes then I suggest you to avoid Clara as much as you can.

- Huh?

- I heard everything from her... That what happened between you two and I'm telling you to leave her alone.

- I'm not planning to hurt her. I never did...

- You still did it... But as long as you won't do it again then that's good.

I just nodded hesitantly as I didn't know what else to do.

Is he actually love her more than I thought?

Because if yes...

----- TIME SKIP -----

Clari's POV:

Today's Friday and we're having the very last practising for today in the studio now.

I also saw Diego coming in with Selvaggia and it made me feel jealous again...

I don't know why do I still feel this for him when I'm with Marco I feel something for him too...

Am I actually in love with both?

- I'm so pathetic! - I sighed loudly.

- Why do you say that? - asked Vahide who has been sitting next to me the whole time.

Honestly I don't know much about her, but so far she seems really nice and friendly and I think she's the only one who can get along with everyone around her here which is amazing!

- No reason...

- You can tell me - she smiled - I won't tell anyone else!

I didn't know what to do at first, but then I gave in and told her about my confused feelings which she patiently listened over.

- I see... - she mumbled - You know what comes to my mind first?

- What?

- That if I were you... I'd choose the second man I fell in love with.

Which means she's referring to Marco.

- But why? - I continued asking like a curious child.

- That's easy. Because if you'd really loved the first man... You'd have never fallen for the second - she winked.

Thinking about it... It makes more sense.

Maybe Diego isn't my man after all... Maybe Marco's someone I should choose, instead of feeling sorry for myself whenever I see Diego and Selvaggia together.

Suddenly Marco appeared next to us which made me jump...

- What's up? Are you ready to practise? - he asked me.

- Ah! Uh... Yes! - I nodded, a bit hesitantly while I stood up and Vahide did too.

- Have a great work, lovelies! I need to go on an interview, but I'll be back soon! - she said with a wink then left the studio while me and Marco continued working...

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