Chapter 57

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Clari's POV:

The party that has been thrown for Tini went amazingly and when it finished people were going home.

- Should I take you home? - asked Marco who has been with me the whole time.

- Well... If you don't have anything else to do - I replied.

- You know... Since we're still in the show all my work is with you so... - he smirked as he pulled me closer - So I pretty much have nothing more to do, but to be around you.

- That's really lovely - I giggled, but before we could do anything a man appeared right next to us.

- Excuse me for a second - he said - Where can I find Selvaggia Lucarelli exactly?

- Well uh...

- Oh! Nevermind! I see her! - he said then he quickly left.

Me and Marco just looked at each other in confusion, not know what the heck just happened.

- Uh... Shall we go? - he asked me.

- Uhm... I don't think we should...

I have a feeling that this guy wants no good from Selvaggia... And I want to stay and help, if it's necessary.

Selvaggia's POV:

- Diego! - I groaned while he was kissing my neck - People are still here!

- I don't care if people are still here - he mumbled while he continued kissing my neck - This is our house after all...

All I could do to that was to giggle and just hugged him.

At this moment I heard a familiar voice that I wished I'd never ever hear again...

- Selvaggia!

The voice made me jump immediately and look around to see Laerte Pappalardo...

- You... - I stuttered - What are you doing here?

He was my boyfriend way back... And he's Leon's father... With blood...

Diego didn't say anything the whole time, but didn't move away either.

He knows I'm gonna need his help with Laerte sooner, or later.

- I've seen your performance on TV... You were... Incredible... - he muttered as he was about to come closer to me, but I stepped back and bumped into Diego which actually made me happier.

- How did you even find me? - I asked him - And why did you come?

- I wanted to tell you... That I need you... I need you back...

- What?! - both me and Diego snapped at the same time.

- You're way too late with this! - I said - You're way too late to beg yourself back to me!

- But why??

- I'm married!

- Yeah... To my old bestfriend - he groaned as he looked over to Diego coldly.

- I don't think I'm the bad one here - said Diego - Since you left your pregnant girlfriend behind and escaped with someone else!

- But you should have respected me enough to not to marry my ex!

- Jesus Christ! Seriously? Are you seriously telling me this?!

- Yes! Why?! Do you think this is not true?!

- I didn't say that, but...

- But?! But what?! You chose her instead of your friend!

- Okay, now stop there! - Diego snapped - We weren't even that close and you left the country before and not me!

To this he couldn't say anything.

- And now... Leave my wife and my family alone and never come back again! - he said.

- Fine... I'll go, but I'll come back! - said Laerte then he left the house.

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