Chapter 61

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Selvaggia's POV:

As I went to see the other judges I saw something was going on there as they all were together, talking carefully so no one else hear them... Or atleast this is how it seemed like to me.

As I joined...

- Ah! Here you are you too! - said Simona.

- What's going on here? - I asked - Why is everyone so...

- Frustrated? Excited? - Liorni interrupted.

- Uh... Something like that...

- Many reasons! - he spoke again - And one reason you need to hear too!

- What?

As they told me I was in a complete shock.

- WHAT?! And you all agree to the cheating? - I snapped angrily.

As people might know Emanuele is a real prince of... I don't even remember where is he from exactly, but seems like he sent some men with a request to vote for him when it's time and also the audience's votes are going to be changed.

- You can't be serious.

- I'm serious - said Victoria - Will you agree, or not?

- What the hell do you think?! Of course not! And you shouldn't be doing this either!

- We're getting twice as much for this as we wo---

- I don't care how much money you get for this, but I'm not going to lie out there to anyone!

- Don't play like you wouldn't do anything for this! - Simona snapped.

- For what?! To let Filiberto win with cheating?! We shouldn't be doing this! He's good either way so if he wants to win he eventually will.

Hate to admit, but he's really good at ice dancing.

- Selvaggia---

- No! - I snapped at Liorni - Atleast you should be having some brain and think! Most of the people like Clara Alonso more than Emanuele and they'll vote for her and will know what you're doing!

- You're just saying that because you like her! - said Victoria.

- What the hell do you know about this anyway?! But you know what? I don't care. Do whatever you want, but I'll do this in my way... As I always did.

And with that I left them be and went to get fully ready for the show while also trying to calm myself down.

----- TIME SKIP -----

Later when I was in my dressing room Diego visited me so I told him about what just happened...

- This is not good - he said - So you say... They accepted the money just to get Emanuele to win...

- Yes and this is so...

- Disturbing?

- Yes...

- And you didn't accept it - he added with a smile.

- Of course I didn't! - I snapped - This is not how I'm doing my job!

- True - he said as he kissed my head lovingly - And this is why I love you the most - he added.

- I'm going to be hated so much tonight - I sighed again.

- So what? They can hate you if they want! This is the last show anyway and after that you probably won't meet very often.

- That's true...

He kissed my head again and started massaging my neck gently.

- Oh... That's really good... - I sighed.

- You can get more of this later tonight - he said then now he kissed me on the lips.

- I can't wait - I grinned as I kissed him back and after that while he left I finished gettinf ready and went to my place.

A/N: I'm sooo sorry, I didn't update this book for ages!! Dx

But from now on I'll try my best to finish it as soon as possible :)

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