Chapter Fifty: The Pursuit

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Chapter Fifty: 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖕𝖚𝖗𝖘𝖚𝖎𝖙.
word count; 3.0k

The scent of the meatpacking factory was revolting.

Everywhere you looked, animal flesh hung in racks. Klatooinian employees surrounded you, although they didn't pay you nor Din any attention. All they focused on was their work, while two intruders head straight for the office. It wasn't a big deal to them, it seemed. You both pushed through the plastic that separated one room from the other, and paused for a second.

Truly, nobody cared if you were trespassing. Not even as you stopped to glance around. They only offered an occasional glimpse, but nothing more. Which was... strange, but at least they wouldn't cause you any trouble for now. As you continued forward, your eyes scanned the workers in case you spotted the familiar face of the quarry. But considering he was more than likely the manager of this abattoir, he must be in his own isolated area for himself. 

Soon as you entered another room, you could identify this as the office. Sitting on a chair behind a desk was a very comfortable Klatooinian, who you could recognize immediately. It was unknown as to why there were several bounties on his head, but that had never been discussed. It was simply business. Besides you, Din sighed as he approached the boss of this facility. You remained a few feet behind him to keep an eye on a few other Klatooinians in the room.

The voice of the manager echoed in the air, his gaze fixating on the Mandalorian in front of him. "You look lost."

"I'm here for Kaba Baiz," Din declared.

There was a second of hesitation—a deadly silence—while he looked around, as if searching for this Kaba Baiz. "What makes you think he's here?"

You revealed a tracking fob, a constant beep beep beep sounding. When you tossed it over to Din, the noises quickened  as it neared the quarry. Then, Din returned it to one of his pockets and stared expectantly at the Klatooinian. There was no way he could explain himself out of this now, but you knew he wouldn't give in.

"What do you want from him?" he asked, a tinge of irritation in his voice. Still, he tried to pretend he wasn't the one you were looking for...

"He owes someone important money," Din replied, cutting his answer short.


"That's not my business," he explained. "We're here to bring him in."

"Well..." Kaba looked to his left, then back to Din. "If I see him, I'll let him know."

"I see him right now." Din pulled an object out of his pocket, setting a puck on the desk in front of him. As soon as it came into contact with the furniture, a hologram lit up with the fizzy figure of a Klatooinian's face. Clearly, the manager here was Kaba Baiz, and he couldn't deny it any longer.

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