Chapter- 7 blamed

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Diya aka Aadhya's POV

When I woke up the next day, I was lying down on the bed naked with my ripped clothes on the floor. Night incidents flashed in front of my eyes making it hard for me to breath

The first thing I thought is my baby. I caressed my stomach to feel my baby. Sure there is some blood on sheets but I don't feel empty in my stomach.I have to find my baby is in there or not.

Crying hard, I pick up my  torn clothes and wore it. I ran out of room and cross the hallway to the main gate, avoiding all the curious gazes.

I took a taxi and went home. I don’t how Vikram will react after knowing the truth, will he blame me?

I reached home and entered our apartment which is dimly lit.

“Vikram”, I called but he didn’t responded so I called again “Vikram”.

“My wife finally got the time to come home after spending a night with her boss”, Vikram commented.

“Vikram, listen”, I tried to explain.

“I have already listened everything”, he roared and I was horrified by his roar.

“Vikram”, I stuttered.

“You want to know what I heard”, he remarked and switched on the TV.

I was shocked to the core; on the screen it was me going in to the room and the next shot is Anurag walking in and closing the door then the last clip is he coming out from the room settling his clothes. The story which media telling is that, I seduced Anurag and the popular headline is the designer with her boss. Now I understood why the workers looked at me weirdly 

“Vikram, that’s not the truth. He raped me”, I busted out crying and collapsed on the floor.

“Do you think anyone could believe you?”, he growled.

“I don’t know about anyone but you, Will you believe me?”, I asked but he left from there without a word.

The following day I received many calls and many lectures, from my family to friends and from my colleagues to strangers.

“What you have done, Diya. We lost our pride because of you, all the people are talking about you”, my mom hissed on the call.

“Mom, listen, it’s not my mistake. he drugged me and raped me”, I cried.

“Whatever. You are the shame of our family”, she cursed and disconnected the call.

This world is blaming me, my own family is not ready to believe me, what can I do, I cried the rest of the day in dark. 



He raped me then why I am the one to take the blame? I decided to give police complaint. I wanted to tell this to Vikram but he was not at home, I tried to call him but he was not picking up my calls. 

First, I went to hospital to know the condition of my baby.

“Your vagina damaged a lot but thankfully the baby is alright. You are lucky”, the doctor said and I took a sigh of relief caressing my stomach.

Baby now we will go to the police station to give complaint on the bastard who almost killed you, I said to my baby and started from there.

Ignoring all the judging gazes I am getting and whispers on my back, I reached police station.

“What do you want, miss?”, an officer asked me.

“I am here to give a complaint”, I replied.

“Sit down and what is your problem?”, the officer asked me.

“AR Interiors CEO, Anurag, raped me”, I stated and all the officers’ eyes snapped at me.

“Can you be more specific, I will write it down”, he asked and I nodded.

I told him everything from the start and explained him what happened last night. “So, you think he released your photos and those clips to the media”, officer asked me.

“I don’t know about those but he raped me last night and harassed me a lot of times”, I said controlling my tears.

“Why you didn’t complained before when he threatened you”, he asked.

“I am a married woman so there are many complications to give complaint and I didn’t think that he will go this far”, I replied.

He asked few more questions and I answered all of them without hesitation.

“Thank you for taking a step forward to voice out your problem without embarrassment. I really appreciate your guts and I will surely do justice to you. I will make him pay for his deeds”, officer assured me.

I thanked him before coming out.

“What have you done, Diya? Why you gave police complaint?”, my mom roared on the phone.

“Because he raped mom”, I replied annoyed by her.

“At least have some shame girl, go... Go and take your complaint back”, my mom hissed.

“Mom, he RAPED me...! Then why I have to be shameful”, I roared with the same intensity and disconnected the call. Like seriously, he is the one who took advantage of me and I have to be shameful... Double standards of this society.

Police released about my compliant to the media and all media focus turned to me but no one in the society believing me. They are saying that I just given complaint to protect my pride and they are swearing at me for the mistake made by others.

Two days went in a blur, Vikram didn’t come home from last two days. I don’t know where he is, I called him many times but he didn’t take any of my calls.

I called his friends and found that he is living with his friend so, I wanted visit him.

The next day I went to police station to ask about further details of my complaint and what actions they have taken because, I didn’t saw them arresting Anurag till now.

“You are a whore, you are the one who seduced Mr Anurag, and now you are trying to drag him into this mess because you want more money”, he accused me. 

“What are you talking officer? I gave you the complaint and you are taking his side”, I roared.

“You fucking whore dare to talk back to me”, he hissed and slapped me.

I tried to talk back to him but was of no use. I pleaded him to do justice for me but he didn’t listen, which shows Anurag bought him. 

In this fucking society, only rich people live as they want. And, we have to live the way they said.

I understood that Normal people can’t get justice in this fucking society where rich man can by police officer who meant to protect you.

They announced press about this, and now is the time to judge me. They are judging me and my character without even knowing me and the actual situation.

And this fucking media made a contest saying if it is a rape send a message to this number and if she seduced him, send a message to this number.

Now, my life became a contest to them.


Hello homies ❤

Hope you like the chapter.. ❣️

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