Chapter- 22 Interview

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It's a kind of filler but the longest chapter and one of my favorite chapters...
Everything you read in this chapter is my personal opinion. Based on the society in which I was raised,. You can disagree if you find that was not the right thing. Comment your thoughts 🤔💭

Happy reading 🥰❤


Aadhya's POV

"Congratulations, Aadhya!" Anshu exclaimed happily, hugging me.

"Thank you,"  I replied, hugging her back.

I have won an award for having many women on staff and for building a foundation for women who are dealing with depression and PTSD. And my foundation also helps women and girls who are suffering from acid attacks and helps victims of rape live confidently.

"Are you ready? We have to leave for the interview," she informed.

"Yes, I am ready,"  I replied.

I have accepted an interview with Naina. Actually, I never accept any personal interview requests because they end up insulting me in front of the camera, but I accepted this interview because she is RJ Naina. I have seen her previous interviews, and to be frank, I am impressed by her, so I accepted.

After 40 minutes, we stopped in front of the studio where the interview was scheduled. Naina welcomed us with a big smile and a bare hug.

We exchanged pleasantries and had coffee before moving further.

She set the camera and put a microphone on my collar to make my voice audible. We settled on single-seat couches across from each other. Anshu sat beside the camera to see the interview from there. It's not live but a recording, and they are going to telecast it the next day.

"Are you ready?" Naina asked me.


She signaled the cameraman to start the camera.

"Hello miss. Aadhya, First of all, congratulations on your award for building a foundation called 'Help Needy'. You are helping many girls achieve their dreams. You are providing food and shelter for orphan kids, and importantly, you are helping the girls and women who lost their confidence in acid attacks and the women who have seen all the violence. Hands off to you for taking a step ahead to support them.
I have seen many of your interviews where you talk about sensitive topics about women, and I think you need guts to talk about all those things; for that, I appreciate and admire you so much," she said.

"Thank you so much," I replied.

"I want to tell you something before starting our actual interview," she said, and I nodded.
"Don't take it as an interview... I just want to have a conversation with you, so shall we start?" 

"Yes, of course." 

"So, Miss. Aadhya, what motivated you to build such a foundation to help women?" she asked her first question.

"Myself," I replied.

"Yeah, I have gone through so much, seen the worst, and I don't want any woman to go through that, so I wanted to do something for all the girls and women who are suffering like me," I completed, and she nodded in understanding.

"You always talk about feminism and women's rights, so what do you mean by feminism?" she asked.

"Mutual respect".

"When we say respect women, that doesn't mean respect her more because she is a woman; we mean respect her just as you respect every human. I am not telling you (men) to give more respect, but don't whistle at me (women) when I am walking on the street, and don't try to touch me (women) when I am standing on the bus."

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