Chapter- 15 Golden Leaf

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Diya, aka Aadhya's POV

"Can I come in, Diya?" Krishna sir asked while knocking on the door.

"Yeah, sir," I replied, and he entered with Anshu.

She came and sat beside me. Sir dragged a chair near my bed and sat on it.

In these three months, we became very close, but I never told her about my past, and she also never asked me about it. 

"Diya, I want to ask you something," he asked hesitantly.

I glanced at Anshu; she just nodded. "What, sir?" I asked.

"I want you to call me dad, just like Anshu calls me," he said.
"I want to adopt you," he declared.

I looked at him, confused, not knowing how to react.

"Yes, Diya, we discussed it one month before," Anshu stated.

"But sir, you don't even know anything about me," I stuttered.

"I don't need to know about your past, Diya. I heard what you said to Anshu on that day when she was about to commit suicide. I really appreciate you for that, and I understand that you endured so much alone, but now we both want to become your family. If you have anything, just tell us; you have your dad and a sister now," he said, and tears rolled down my eyes.

My own parents left me, but these people want to become my family. I have been living with them for three months, and I am still hesitant to trust him or not. 

After thinking... finally, I took my decision.

I can trust them.

"Ok," I mumbled, and Anshu smiled with happiness

"But before that, I want to tell you about myself. If you still want to adopt me after listening to me, then I am also ok with it," I stated, and they both nodded.

I told them about myself. From my childhood until the day I met Anshu on the road. From my first betrayal to the last, where Aunt sold me to a woman trafficking gang,. From the first time I was assaulted to the photos that leaked on the internet, from my marriage to my husband killing my unborn child,. I told them everything.

When I completed talking, Anshu was a crying mess, and Krishna sir also had tears and his hand fisted in a tight fist.

"You are holding this much from all these days," Anshu cried.

"I am going to adopt you tomorrow, and you are not Diya anymore; your name is Aadhya from now onwards. Aadhya means power; I want you to be as powerful as Durga Matha and take revenge on them who ruined you," he said seriously.

And the next day, the adoption process was completed. Now officially, my name has changed to Aadhya, and I am the daughter of Krishna Mehta, whom I admire the most.

"You are an interior designer, right?"  Krishna sir asked me.

"Yes, sir, and I used to be a big fan of you; of course now also," I replied, but he looked at me unsatisfied by my answer.

"I mean yes, dad," I corrected myself, and he smiled.

"Then start your career again", he stated. "I will give you training", he added and I nodded.

I started my career again. This time not in one company but independently, I made myself a personal site on social media and I started showcasing my skills.

Many companies offered me jobs, but I rejected all of them because I wanted to do something on my own. I want something big.

Four months passed just like that, I really doing great on my work. Anshu is now nine months pregnant. Baby and she both are healthy.

"What is my cutie pie doing?" I asked as I entered Anshu's room.

"Missing her godmother," she said with a pout, and I grinned while sitting beside her.

I don't know why, but suddenly I missed my child, the child whom I lost in my womb. I was really an incapable mother. I caressed my belly, and a lone tear escaped from my eye.

"Don't feel bad, Aadhya; she will be your daughter, ok?"  she said, and I put my hand on her big bump. Yeah, we tested and found that it was a girl.

"After all, you are her godmother, who saved her from her own mother, who was about to kill her," she said playfully.

"Don't say such things; baby would feel bad. You are just unmotivated, and I just motivated you; that's it," I said sternly.

"Ok, mam," she laughed.
Anshu is really active and cheerful; I forget all my problems when I am chatting with her. She is sensitive and very pure; she doesn't really know how dangerous this society is.

"Have you decided the name for the baby?" she asked, taking me back to my senses.

"How about Rose?" I asked.

"Beautiful," she said excitedly.
"Is there any reason for selecting that name?".

"Yeah, Rose is beautiful, but there are always thorns to protect Rose. Just like that, our rose will be beautiful, but no one can touch her when I am with her; I will be the thorn for our rose," I replied.

"Wow, then Rose is fixed," she chirped.

"Have you told dad about the company?" she asked.

"No, I am going to tell him now," I replied.

"Then let's go and tell him."

"Dad," I called, entering his room. I can finally trust him. He made me trust him with his caring nature.

"Come, Aadhya," he said.

I went in and sat on the couch opposite him. Anshu also came shortly after me and sat beside me.

"Dad, I want to start a new company," I declared.

"That's good," he said happily.

"You are ok with it," I asked.

"Yes, Aadhya. Of course, I am happy that my daughter wants to take a step ahead for her success," he said, and I was really happy.

"But I need your guidance and support," I commented.

"Of course, I will always be there to support you," he remarked.

"Have you decided the name for the new company", Anshu asked me.

"Yeah, Golden leaf ", I stated.

They called me an unwanted leaf. Now, I will show them how it would be like an unwanted leaf turned into a golden leaf. How would Diya turn into Aadhya?

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