Chapter- 24 No more Arguments

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Aadhya's POV

I am whimpering in pain, screaming to leave me, but they are not leaving me at all. I was crying and begging them to let go of me, but they were not stopping beating me.

I am tied naked in front of them, and they were causing me immense pain by beating me with a whip and a leather belt.

They were standing in front of me, holding an injection, ready to inject me with a drug.
the evil laugh on their faces, telling me that this sh*t is going to be real.

I was dodging it continuously. Cold sweat formed on my forehead, expecting the worst; tears did not stop from my eyes.

Despite how hard I tried to dodge it, they injected me with that drug in a swift second.

Slowly, darkness consumed my senses. I can't see anyone anymore, but still, I can feel the wetness of my tears. At this moment, I only wish this darkness would be permanent; I don't want to wake up again.

Why am I the one who always faces them all? Tears are flowing from my eyes endlessly, my heart is beating fast like it will explode anytime soon, my hands are trembling with fear, my legs can't stop shaking, and my breath has become irregular. It's getting hard for me to breathe.
Suddenly I felt a hand on my forehead, wiping my sweat, and at that moment I heard a soft voice.

"Whatever you are seeing is not true, Aadhya. Come out of it; you are safe  here." I heard a soft voice and felt a hand caressing my hair gently.

I want to come out of it too, but I don't know what is stopping me. Now I can only see the darkness and hear the evil laughs of the people who ruined me. I tried to run from there, but I was unable to find a way out.

"You are not Diya anymore; you are Aadhya, who is capable of saving herself. Try and come out of the dream you are seeing, Aadhya. You are safe with  us," Anshu said softly again.

"You can't run away from me, Bitch."  Dhruv said evilly and raised his hand to slap me, but I pushed him and ran away from there. I saw a door at the end of the way, and a ray of hope arose in my heart. I rushed to it and opened the door before they could come to me.

"Anshu."  I woke up with a jerk and shouted Anshu's name, who was sitting on a stool beside the bed on which I was sleeping. Her eyes are red and swollen, indicating she cried a lot.

"Its ok, Aadhya, we are here,"  she said softly, hugging me. It took me a few minutes to compose myself.

She quickly gave me water and I gulped down half of the bottle in a single breath. My heart is still beating fast, I know what I saw was a nightmare and I had a panic attack in sleep but my heart is not ready to slow down.

I saw Rose and Dad beside Anshu, who are equally worried. I glanced at them once and saw the surroundings to know where I was, because I am sure it's not our house. After observing clearly, I found myself on a hospital bed, lying there with IV drip on my hand.

I looked outside through the window and it was dark. After analysing the situation, I closed my eyes. soon, I remembered all the things and the reason, which is why I am lying here.

In the morning

I gave the address to the driver; he drove to the law firm safely. I met Vishwanath ji there and explained to him why I was there. I showed him the evidence that I have collected—not all the proofs, but some that he needs to know.

After explaining all the things, I told him what punishment I wanted for them.

"Miss Aadhya, it is going to be very dangerous. Are you sure about  it?" he asked me.

"Yeah, Vishwanath ji, I am sure,"  I replied confidently.

"I will file a case as soon as possible, but for that, I need the evidence," he stated.

"I am sorry, Vishwanath ji but I can't give this evidence to you. I will directly provide them in court", I replied.

"Don't you trust me? If you don't trust me, then I can't take up this case," he remarked in displeasure.

"It's not like that, sir. I have faced many situations in my life that made me like this so please try to understand my situation." I tried to convince him

He thought for a while and nodded in an understanding manner.

"Let me invite you for a coffee, sir,"  I said as politely as I could.

"Ok, there is a café in front of the firm; we can go there,"  he said, and I nodded.

Soon we both went to the café, which he said, and had our coffee, which is very tasty, as he said, then came out.

Suddenly, a truck rushed towards me when I was going to climb my car. I was shocked and stood in the same place without moving.

Suddenly, a pair of hands dragged me before that truck hit me.

"Are you dumb? Why are you standing in the same place even after seeing the truck?"  Vishwanath Ji roared as soon as he saved me.

Before I could reply to him, that truck came to us again; this time we were unprepared. So, he just pushed me to the side.
I was standing there with trembling feet so as soon as he pushed me, I lost my balance and fell down, hitting my head to the footpath. I can feel wetness on my head, which I surely know is blood; that was the last thing I remembered.

Flash back completed***

"How is Vishwanath ji?", I asked panickedly, as I don't remember what have happened to him after he saving me.

"Don't worry, he is safe. After pushing you, he also jumped from there. He had a few injuries here and there. Now we are at his son's hospital; his son gave treatment to both of you and saved you," Dad informed.

"This is why I told you, don't go alone, but you don't listen to me, do you?" Anshu hissed angrily.

"It's ok, Anshu; see, I am safe now."  I tried to convince her.

"Now you are safe because Vishwanath Ji saved you; what if he is not there?" she questioned madly. I just darted my eyes away from her, not knowing what to say.

"You have to stop all these, now,"  she said suddenly and sternly.
Before I could protest, she quickly added, "And that's final; no more arguments."

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