Chapter- 30 Monster

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"Say the same thing after looking at the person I have here," he said, laughing and clapping his hands. Soon, a person came from the dark, holding Rose.

"Rose?" Aadhya mumbled, horrified, as she never expected him to kidnap Rose.

"So, you are another black sheep," she remarked, madly looking at the person who was holding Rose. Shilpa just smirked, looking at Aadhya and Anshu.

Yeah, that was Shilpa, who came carrying Rose in her arms.

few hours ago...

Shilpa came to the mansion in a hurry.

"Shilpa, why are you here at this hour? Has something happened to my daughters?" Krishna asked immediately.

"No, sir. I just came to ensure your safety," Shilpa replied.

"I don't know why, but I feel like something bad is going to happen," he mumbled restlessly.

"Where is Rose, sir? Can I go and check on her  once?" she asked softly.

"Yeah, she is upstairs, sleeping," Krishna replied, and he went to the kitchen to grab a water bottle.

"Why are you carrying her? Has she woke up already?" Krishna asked, looking at Shilpa, who is coming downstairs with sleeping Rose in her arms.

"No, I am going to take her out,"  she said maliciously.

"What? Where?" he asked, speeding his pace. By now, she had reached the couch and pushed him onto it.

"They have given me huge money and given me only one task, which is to take Rose to them."  She smirked and sat on the opposite couch.

"Shilpa, you are committing a grave mistake." Krishna growled and stood up from the couch furiously.

"If you take a step ahead, I will kill your dear granddaughter," she warned him, putting a sharp knife on Rose's neck. Rose is still sleeping, unaware of what is happening there.

"No, don't do that," he yelled, and he sat back on the coach.

Her phone rang, making the situation more intense, and it was Aadhya who was calling.

"If you say a single word, I will pierce Rose with this knife, and I am serious," she warned him before picking up the call.

"Miss Aadhya,"  she greeted casually, like every day.

"Shilpa, listen carefully,"  Aadhya started, and Shilpa smirked, looking at Krishna, who was tensing like hell.

"Go to the Mehta mansion and take care of Rose and dad. I think I can't go home for the time being. I am counting on you for their safety, Shilpa," Aadhya said.

"Sure, Miss Aadhya. You don't have to be tensed; I will take care of them," she said, acting respectable to her and disconnecting the call.

"So, I am going, Mr. Old Man," she smirked and got up to leave.

"But I can't leave like this, can I? If I leave, you are going to inform the police for sure, aren't you?" she said cunningly, and a man came out from nowhere and hit his head with a flower vase, which is on the side table. He hit him three times on the same spot, making him bleed profusely.

Krishna fell to the floor holding his head, blood flowing from his head without any limit. "Rose,"  he roared, and soon darkness consumed his senses.

Rose woke up from her sleep after hearing his roar. "Aunt, where are you taking me?" she asked in her sleepy voice.

"I am taking you to your mom. They asked me to pick you  up," Shilpa said sweetly to make her silent.

"But my mom told me, don't trust anyone, and don't go out without her," Rose said maturely.

"You can trust me; I am going to take you to your mom."

The flashback ended.

"I will give you all the evidence I have collected; leave her alone," Aadhya exclaimed, looking at Rose, who was looking back at her with fearful eyes.

"Give it to me, then," he replied.

She took out a pendrive from her pocket and threw it on his face, then ran from there and grabbed Rose from Shilpa's hands, then came back to Anshu.

"You have to pay for this," she said to Shilpa, stressing every word.

Rose started crying as soon as she came into her mom's hands. "It's ok, Rose," Aadhya said, caressing her head.

"You are safe, Rose. Don't cry," Anshu said, kissing her cheeks.

"Now, we have already given you proofs; let us go," Anshu asked.

"Not so soon, darlings," he said cunningly, and all the men there started laughing.

"It has been a long time since I had a woman, so I am going to fuck you now. Frankly, I miss your body so  much," he chuckled.

"Don't you dare, bastard," Aadhya cursed him furiously.

"It looks like you are desperate. Don't worry, Diya, I will fuck you too," he said lightly.

"Actually, it would be better to fuck you three," he said evilly, and goosebumps erupted on both ladies hands.

Aadhya and Anshu looked at each other confusedly, then looked around to find whom he was referring to as a third one. Other than them, there is only one woman there, and that is Shilpa. She looked terrified when she heard that.
Even if Aadhya was mad at her, she never wishes that she had to go through some sexual harassment.

"Don't worry, Shilpa. I am not talking about you, as you helped  us," he assured her, and she took a sigh of relief. But Aadhya was confused, not understanding whom he was referring to as a third woman.

"I am talking about that fresh little body who is in your arms," he said, looking at Rose, making Aadhya and Anshu shocked. Their eyes widened as their jaws dropped on the floor at his remark.

"It will feel good to fuck that little pussy of hers," he remarked, like the devil he is.

"How dare you? At least have some shame; she is just a child, you  asshole," Anshu roared furiously.

Aadhya held Rose to her chest tightly.

"How can you say this to your own daughter? She is your blood for God's  sake," Aadhya growled.

"You already knew this,"  Anshu asked in shock, as she never thought that even after knowing about Rose's father, she would love her that much.

"Yeah," Aadhya replied.

Aadhya found this two years ago when she started digging about Ajith and Dhruv, but that doesn't make her hate Rose. In fact, it made her love Rose even more.

"So, what?" Dhruv's voice brought them back.

"What do you mean?" Anshu questioned.

"So what? What if she is my daughter? She is also a girl. If it is a girl, then I can fuck her. "Simple," he said, and goosebumps erupted on her body.

"Such an asshole you are, bastard. I don't let you touch any of  them," Aadhya roared.

"I will have you for sure,"  he replied.

"You are a monster; you don't deserve to be alive," Anshu growled.

"Boys, go and get Anshu first," he ordered his men.

Aadhya gave Rose to Anshu and stood in front of them like a tigress, ready to pounce on them to protect her angels.


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