Chapter- 19 Beyond that

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Aadhya's POV

Life is not always a flower bed; sometimes it will be a thorny path too, and for me, it's always like that.

With each step I took, I ended up stepping on a thorn. Every thorn was bigger than the previous, but I never stopped walking. I walked on a path that no one can ever imagine...

They gave me pain, but that pain made me strong.

Rock becomes sculpture only when it bears the blows. Just like after many blows, I became like this.
I used to be a rock, but they made me a sculpture with their blows by their betrayals. They thought their blows would break me down, but what they don't know is that I took that to my advantage. I made myself strong with each blow to take another. Finally, to give them back the same.

I feel like I am a warrior. Always fighting in wars to protect myself.

But every time, I participated in the war that was started by the opposite. Those are the wars that I never asked for but was forced to fight, but now, I have started war on my own to punish each one of them.
I know wars always end up causing pain to both parties.
Loosers get pain, and winners get pain too, but the difference is that if the winner is on the side of truth, good will win.

If I can do justice for the women who are suffering like me, then I can bear any pain.

Not every time God will help us. Sometimes we have to help ourselves, and that's what I have been doing from the start...

God gave us life to live happily but what these demons doing? Making ones life a living hell.
Now, their time has come. They have to taste their own medicine and I will make sure to do that.

I was left alone on the cruel world to die without any help. These demons tried every means to ruin me but every time, I came back with double speed.

And now my time has come. They have to bear their own karma.



Now is the time to see my dearest aunt, who sold me to the sex racquet gang.

I went to her house. She is still living in the same house with her daughter, so I just went there.

"Did I disturb you?" I asked as I entered her house with Anshu and Shilpa. This time, my driver also came with us.

She and her daughter are watching television and laughing their hearts out when I walked into her house.

This will be the last time for her to laugh.

"Diya? " she mumbled, horrified. 

I just smirked.

"Aren't you dead? They said you were dead!"  she asked shocked. Her forehead is full of sweat, and her face became pale as she gulped visibly.

"It looks like you are very disappointed to see me alive,"  I mocked. 

She just stood there in utter shock.

"It's not like that,D-Di-- Diya. They announced in the news that you were dead,"  she said with difficulty.

"Yeah, I died the day you sold me, but I have been born again to punish you,"  I commented as I sat on the couch gracefully and patted on the couch, asking Anshu to sit, and she did.

"What do you want now?" she asked while taking her 18-year-old daughter into her embrace.

"Of course I want revenge,"  I smirked, making myself comfortable on the couch.

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