Chapter- 32 Killer

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Aadhya's POV

Rose is sleeping in my arms. I am looking at her, assuring myself that she is safe now.

It was all because of me. I would have listened to Anshu when she told me to stop it but I didn't and now I have lost everything because of my revenge. I was blaming myself again and again for everything.

I can't believe that Anshu is no more. Dad is also in danger; he is still fighting but his condition is not supporting treatment. They said he have only 50% chances. I don't know if I punished Dhruv or punished myself. I have lost everything in the process of getting justice for other women.

"Aadhya," I heard a voice, which brought me back to reality.

"Vishwanath ji," I mumbled. Confusion is written all over my face. I was in prison and he was outside in black coat with some papers in his hands

"Why are you here?" I asked, not knowing what to say.

"I came here to see you. I tried to take you out, but the rules are not accepting, so you have to stay here for tonight. Tomorrow they will take you to court, and there I will represent you. You have to tell me all the things so that I can fight for you in  court," he explained.

"You don't have to, Vishwanath ji. Now, I am not going to trust anybody," I replied calmly.

"My child, please tell me what has happened, even if you don't trust me. I have three daughters. Now, you are another daughter, so I am not going to leave you here to  rot," he said, but should I trust him?

I explained to him everything that happened and told him how he killed Anshu and how I killed him. I shared everything even though I am skeptical. 

"Ok, I will try my level best to get you out and punish his brother too,"  he replied sternly.

"Give her to me; I will take her home and take good care of her,"  he said as he stood up to leave.

I glanced at Rose, then at him, and nodded negatively. "I will never leave her alone with anyone. Even if I have to die, I will take her with  me," I said, and he understood what I meant.

This society is brutal to single girls and women. I really don't want to leave Rose alone in this world. If they punish me in court, I will take Rose with me to jail. Even if they sentence me to death, I will take Rose with me because dying is better than living alone in this cruel world.

"If you have time, then visit my dad once,"  I said to him when he turned around to leave. He nodded and left.


The next morning, Vishwanath Ji gave me a dress to change into, as I was still wearing the same torn clothes with blood stains from yesterday.

I made Rose change into clean clothes and washed her face. Then, I changed and washed my face, ready to go to court.

With security, they took me out and asked me to sit in the police car. I sat in the car with Rose on my lap. Soon after we reached court, I climbed down, carrying Rose.

I closed my eyes due to the many flashlights. There are many media people flashing lights, taking pictures, and asking many questions. The police didn't let anyone near me, and they took me inside the court.

As soon as I entered the court, I saw Ajith, whose eyes were red, indicating he had been crying. He looked at me furiously, and I glared at him with the same intensity.

If he is mad at me because I killed his brother, then how mad do I have to be? He killed my Anshu, hurt my Rose, made my dad lay on the hospital bed, made many women's lives a living hell, and many more.

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