Chapter- 23 Unexpected

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Aadhya's POV

After 6 months

I am going to start something that I am not capable of; at least that's what I think.

Now, my next move is to take revenge on that sex racquet gang, but the thing is that they are involved with the black cobra gang, which is highly dangerous, and not to discuss the fact that I provoked both of them and made them lose the deal by helping the girls escape from them 5 years ago.

I want to make them pay for what they did—not for me, but for the girls who suffered and are suffering because of them. Many little girls' lives were taken by them, and I don't want any other girl to go through what I have gone through.

I recently found out that Sanjay Saho is also after the Black Cobra gang. I asked him about that, and he said that they tortured his girlfriend when she was just 11. 

I feel pity for Dr. Sanvi for going through that alone when she was just a child.

If Sanjay and I work together, then we can surely lock down black cobras. If we succeed in locking them, then it will be easy for me to lock the sex racquet gang.

I thoroughly investigated the sex-racquet gang. The boss's name is Ajith, and his brother, who raped and tortured me for 15 days, is Dhruv.

They buy 15- to 16-year-old girls who are dependent on their relatives or stepmother's, and they kidnap orphan girls also. They sell them to other countries as sex racquets and brothels. If the girls don't listen or else rebel against them, then they send them to the Black Cobra Gang, who are nothing but cruel people.

We all know that black cobra gang boss Stephen doesn't have a family other than his brother, who is currently in a coma, but I found that he does have a lover and a daughter with her, and unfortunately, that lover is Arnav Singhania's aunt.

With Arnav's help, Sanjay can lock cobras. If he can do that, then I don't have obstacles to reach Ajith. But the thing is that I have to make Arnav agree to us.

I have already started collecting evidence against Ajith and his gang secretly. If Arnav can help Sanjay lock cobras, then I will try to lock that gang. That's my plan.



At Arnav's office.

"So, you want me to help you both lock black cobras?" Arnav asked while sipping his coffee.

"Yes," I replied.

"You just tell me where your aunt is; I will take care of the remaining things; you don't have to be involved in any of these," Sanjay remarked.

"Why do I have to help you? What will I get in return?" he questioned.

Sanjay and I look at each other.

"What about the coordinates of your girl?" I asked, knowing he would accept my offer.
As expected, he got altered suddenly.

"You know where Naina is?" he asked eagerly.

"Yeah," I replied leisurely.

"Where is she?" he asked tensely.

"Calm down, Mr. Arnav; I will tell you once you give the location of your aunt," I stated.

"How can I believe you?" he asked, and I understood he had already given in but was only asking to confirm.

"Look at this."  I showed him the picture of her and me in which she lost weight and had dark circles too.

His expression changed drastically, and I could see tears in his eyes.

"Can I have this picture, please?" he requested. His voice trembled a little, indicating he was missing her. He truly loves her so much. Lucky girl.

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