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I went home for some time forgive me for leaving without saying anything to anyone. I'll be there at our schedules but I need some time off from the dorm.

After reading the text they received from Taehyung they all looked at each other and the table fell silent. Everyone could see Yoongi's mood dropped to 0, 000000.

"This is too sudden something is definitely wrong with him we need to check on him ask his parents if he's home or not. We must do something." Yoongi started blabbering forgetting that he's in a relationship with Hoseok he was just worried about Tae.

"Taehyung is a big man and he sure can take care of himself, all you ever think about is Taehyung this and Taehyung that it is so annoying I'm your boyfriend for heaven sake do you ever even think about me? even after we made things official you pretended to go to the bathroom but I saw you checking on him. Can't you just look at me? "Hoseok bluntly said he was tired of Yoongi always giving Taehyung all his attention. After speaking his mind he went to his room and locked the door sobbing.

Yoongi sighed as he realized he made a rushed decision and now it's coming back to bite him. He loves Taehyung and his feelings for Tae won't just go away because he decided to date Hoseok. He palmed his face with both his hands.

"You need to fix this  man we are tired of problems after problems in our dorm" Namjoon said he was really tired of all the fights and the tension going on in the dorm.

"Fr though why did you even decide to date Hoseok if you love Taehyung we all know you like Tae why did you do it?" Jin asked as he didn't understand why Yoongi did this.

"I didn't know he likes Taehyung" Jungkook said.
"I didn't know too" Jimin also said as they were both shocked by the news.

"How would you two know you're always in your own world romancing each other" Jin said and looked back at Yoongi waiting for him to speak.

"I like Hoseok but I also love Taehyung too and my feelings for him won't just go away simply because he keeps on hurting me unknownly at that" Yoongi said not believing what came out of his mouth. These thoughts always filled his mind but he never did it out loud how he liked two people.

"I actually also think he's not okay. We should go check on him" Namjoon said.

"Yes it is unlike him to leave without saying goodbye" Jimin said.

"This house's drama is weighing down on me. Yoongi you need to figure out what you want and while at it go and talk to Hoseok Namjoon and I will go see Tae" Jin said.

"I want to come with you guys too he's my best friend afteralla" Jimin said.

"That's a bad idea and you know it Jimin" Namjoon said.

"Yes it's a bad idea let the hyungs go see him Jimin" Jungkook said as he didn't want Jimin to go to Taehyung, was he being selfish yes he was, he wasn't even considering the fact that the two are besties but only his feelings.

"Okay you guys can go then I need to rest anyway" Jimin said feeling down spirited he really wanted to go see Tae and talk things out with him but he noticed how  Jungkook didn't want that. He was caught between a rock and a hard place.


"Hoseok open up it's me we need to talk" Yoongi said as he kept on knocking but Hobi was not responding. Hoseok opened the door his eyes puffy from all the crying.

"I'm sorry, I know I'm hurting you but it is not my intention to hurt you I- I'm just confused" Yoongi said as he sat beside Hoseok.

"Confused?" Hosoek asked as he didn't understand Yoongi at all.

"Yes I like you guys both and if I had to choose one of you guys I don't know who I'd choose, you guys are both important to me" Yoongi said.

"You like two people?" Hoseok asked not believing what he's hearing.

"I do, I don't know how but I do." Yoongi said he was really confused or so he thought he was.

"You want a polygamous relationship?" Hoseok asked.

"I never thought of that but if you two were to agree I'd consider it actually no I'd like that" Yoongi said actually considering it.

"This is a lot to take in. I love you and I know you love Taehyung more than me and he'll always come first to you if we were to be in a polygamous relationship" Hosoek said not liking this idea of being the less loved one in the relationship. He was scared the attention won't be shared equally between the two. Just thinking of it he didn't think he can  do it.

"I will try my best to love you both equally if we were to be in a polygamous relationship" Yoongi said wanting to assure Jhope that they'll be fine if it happens.

"I don't know how I feel about this I need some time to think about it" Hoseok said and Yoongi nodded.

"Take as much time as you need" Yoongi said rubbing Hoseok's hand with his thumb


Namjoon and Jin got to Taehyung's home and spoke to his parents. They said Taehyung is taking a bath and the two decided to wait for Taehyung but Taehyung wasn't coming out even after 30 minutes of  waiting.

"Something is weird here" Namjoon said and Jin nodded. They went inside and asked Tae's parents to check if Tae  is fine and his father went to check on Tae only for him to be traumatized by what he saw when he got to the bathroom.

"No son what are you doing?" The father said as he was shocked.

What do you think Tae is doing?

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