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That very same night Jungkook came back home and found Nayeon watching television, he just walked past her and went to his and Jimin's bedroom but his eyes widened when he got there and saw Jimin's engagement ring on top of their bed.

He quickly ran to the closet to check if Jimin's clothes were there and he found them not there.

"No no no he didn't leave for real did he?" Jungkook spoke to himself as he searched his pockets for his phone. As soon as he found it he dialed Jimin's number but the phone rang unanswered.

"Jiminah please answer."

He tried calling Jimin again and this time the phone was off.

'I know we had an argument but did he have to Leave? He was in the wrong why didn't he just apologize and everything would be okay.' Jungkook was deep in thoughts when he felt someone hug his waist.

"I knew you wouldn't leave like that.. He was saying but he saw that the hands that were hugging him didn't belong to Jimin.. "What the f*ck Nayeon." he quickly  removed Nayeon's hands from his waist and moved away from her.

"Kookie you should forget about Jimin and move on with me, he's not good enough for you and who knows if he left so easily because maybe he has someone else." Nayeon said and Jungkook narrowed his eyebrows at her.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Some guy came to fetch him and the guy was hugging him so tightly and kissed him too." Nayeon said and tried to read Jungkook's expression and she saw panic and anger which annoyed her.

"You're lying Jimin wouldn't do that to me." Jungkook said but his heart was beating so fast. What if Nayeon was telling the truth. What if Jimin is tired of Jungkook and decided to really move on.

"Suit yourself then." Nayeon said and swayed her hips heading to the kitchen.

"Jimin can't do that to me. He can't." Jungkook Mumbled to himself.

He got to Jimin's house parked his car on the road side and walked to the gate but stopped on his tracks when he saw jimin sitting outside on the veranda with some guy laughing and drinking together. The guy was not Jihyun and that made Jungkook angry his hands subconsciously turning into a fist.

"So this is why you left because you found yourself a new boyfriend huh?" Jungkook said catching the attention of the two as he stormed up to them.

"Yes Jungkook I did, you thought you're my only option that I'll always forgive you even when you no longer value me and treat me like trash.?" Jimin retorted looking at Jungkook anger vissible on his face.

"So you've been cheating on me? I never thought I'm dating a slut!" Jungkook blurted out and Jimin didn't say anything but instead stood up and grabbed Taemin's face and kissed him.

Jungkook just looked at the two his heart breaking into million pieces. Looking at Jimin kissing another man was something he never thought he'll ever see in his life.

"Please stop." Jungkook said his voice breaking. He was close to tears but tried hard not to cry.

Jimin finally stopped kissing Taemin but in actually fact he wasn't kissing him, he placed his thumb in between their lips and pretended to be kissing him but their lips did not even touch but to Jungkook it looked like they did.

"You promised to not change, you said nothing will change between us but you believe her over me and even call me names. I don't want to marry a man like that who has so little trust in me. Please leave." Jimin said and took Taemin's hand and walked inside the house with him leaving Jungkook standing there devastated.

Jungkook finally let his tears fall as he slowly turned away walking back to his car. When he got to his car he cried an ugly like a little child. The thought of Jimin moving on and leaving him forever was killing him. Jimin was his heart, he knows he was wrong but it was all because he can't control his anger and end up saying things he don't mean.

"What was that all about?" Taemin asked still shocked not getting what is going on.

"I'm sorry I used you to drive him away. You heard what he said, that girl is changing him and I don't like how he's treating me. I'm not even sure if I still want to be with him." Jimin poured his heart out and Taemin just hugged him and patted his back to calm him down.

"I know how much you love Jungkook Minie I just wish things would get better between you two." Taemin tried comforting his friend. He knew these two loved each other and that girl was trying to ruin their relationship and it seemed like they are letting her win.

"You guys must find a way to fix this situation or that girl is gonna win." Taemin said as Jimin was now calm and they were back to the veranda sitting outside while drinking Soju.

"Fix things how when Jungkook is so blind and won't see how that girl is a snake." Jimin asked sounding defeated, all this was weighing down on him.

"I think you've had enough to drink huh." Taemin said snatching the bottle of Soju from Jimin's hand who was chugging it like it's water.

"Let me drink my sorrows away." Jimin protested trying to snatch the bottle back but Taemin didn't let him.

"Hyung you'll get sick if you drink so much." Jihyun said and helped Jimin stand up and took him to his bedroom. "Try to rest." Jihyun said and left Jimin's room to go clean up the mess outside along with Taemin.

"Those two stresses me out Hyung." Jihyun said with a sigh and Taemin sighed as well.

"Tell me about it." Taemin said also looking defeated.

Hours later Jihyun was chilling watching TV when Jimin came out of  his room in a hurry while holding an umbrella.

"Hyung where are you going?"

"Kookie just texted me, he's lost somewhere with a flat tire." Jimin said and run out of the house not waiting for Jihyun's reply. As soon as he got out he luckyly got a taxi but he kept rushing the poor driver to drive faster..

I'm spoiling y'all so spoil me with comments as well.

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